need some help naming a soap.....

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deerly departed.... now theres a challenge getting an image to go with that...parting clouds and a beam of light engulfing a deer...or a deer with the letters RIP embossed over the for guys and gals are the best!

I suppose a 14 point mounted buck's head trophy on a wall wouldn't go over well with your crowd? Bet it would sell like hot cakes in TX, though. Deerly Departed...proof on the wall and in the soap!
Doriette...the tallow came from a private deer ranch...

Since it's farmed deer and not wild deer hopefully it's a non-issue for you. Just didn't want you spending lots of time or money designing an awesome label and not be able to sell it.

ETA: I would totally buy some of those bars because I'm a HUGE lard/tallow fan but I don't hunt and wouldn't really want to mess with rendering it myself.
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I don't think my stove top has fully recovered from the process...all 4 burners going at once...I'm a lucky camper in the label neighbor is a graphic artist so I find an image for free on the web and give her the ingredients list and away it goes...of course she gets free gardening this spring...pruning mostly which I love to do..and even with a fair amount of footwork prior to meeting to make a label I don't think we ever did a label in under 2 hours...but when it all comes together...AWESOME!
Why don't you wholesale some soap back to the Deer farm? I'm picturing one of those ranches that does guided hunts, etc.

I can see gift baskets with venison jerky, deer tallow soap, and a bottle of wine, all packaged nicely with a hide for the low, low price of only $89.95 + S&H . . . For only $99 more, you have have a trophy mount set of antlers, too.

Don't mind me. I've been working on marketing lately. Can you tell?

HL...thanks for the input...this farm though, at least from the impression I get, is a invitational hunt as opposed to a money maker....a fancy guy entertaining his fancy friends...but I will broach the subject with the butcher who processes their meat...
You could use something like Hart Soap, not many people use that word anymore, it does specifically mean a male deer, so if your tallow is from a doe it might be considered misleading. So something like Oak Hart Soap, or Hart Oak Soap, Acorn Hart Soap.
I'm afraid if you use the term Bambi someone might say oh you used Bambi or killed Bambi. Men would like Hunters Soap, Rugged, ....,

I use the Square at the fMarket one customer said just for a joke he use to sign Mickey Mouse and got in trouble. I said with the bank? No Mickey Mouse is copy writed if this is true Bambi might be also