Zebra Soap Swirl Challenge

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
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Going off Obsidian's post http://www.soapmakingforum.com/showthread.php?t=46773 I wanted to challenge myself and others who are up to it to make a Zebra Swirl. I love how mine came out (though a little oily) when I cut it this morning! Good luck to those that want to join!! ImageUploadedBySoap Making1404139377.749027.jpg
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Those are beautiful! I'm up for the challenge, but wondering what you used to drizzle the soap over? In the video she said a sheet of plastic, any recommendations as to what type or where to get it?
Those are beautiful! I'm up for the challenge, but wondering what you used to drizzle the soap over? In the video she said a sheet of plastic, any recommendations as to what type or where to get it?

I went to the drug store and bought plastic binders and just cut the middle part out where the prongs are. Something like these...ImageUploadedBySoap Making1404213352.816875.jpg
AKjulz, it doesn't matter, you can even use a piece of cardboard. as long as the soap can slide on it..
Very pretty. I've purchased the flexible cutting boards from the dollar store but just haven't had the time to try it out yet. Hopefully sometime soon once I get all my restocks done.
Great, I know I have cardboard around and I think I have some of those binders too. I was going to try this today and then my back seized up this morning so I can barely even stand...Dang it!! They are just so cool I can't wait to try it
Out of my league, but I'm going to enjoy being a spectator! Beautiful soap!
This is my second attempt. First try just didn't add enough mica so the colors were barely there and forgot to use full water so it got too thick too fast.
Sure hope this one looks good when cut!ImageUploadedBySoap Making1405243931.581413.jpgImageUploadedBySoap Making1405243990.690189.jpg