My Newest Wedding Creations

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Supporting Member
Mar 2, 2014
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Arizona, USA
I was asked to make soap for 3 weddings. All will take place within a week of each other and each wanted 120 soaps to give as wedding guest gifts.

The first 2 photos are for my friend that's doing a Mardi Gras themed wedding with lots of color and peacock feathers. I decided this would be the perfect time to work on a peacock swirl. Some worked and some...not so much, but all were really fun to make, and she's in love with them so that's what counts. :smile: Her groom-to-be will be retiring from the military right before the wedding so I made a camo soap just for him. All of these soaps will have names that celebrate Mardi Gras, New Orleans, and Cajun heritage. We're still working on what they'll be exactly.

The 2nd 2 photos are for another friend of mine who's renewing her wedding vows. She and her husband own a ranch and are serious horse people so I had the stamp designed for them. Their wedding colors are blue and black so the soaps are in that color theme. I'm also naming the soaps specific to them so his will be "Brian's Leather Saddle" (leather scent) and hers will be "Cheri's Golden Stirrups" (BB's Mayan Gold scent).

The last 2 photos are of the soaps I made for my son's wedding. He and his bride-to-be are major Harry Potter fans (as is our whole family!) so the stamp says "Mischief Managed". If you know the HP series, you'll know where that phrase comes from. Plus, it's true enough since they've settled each other down, lol.

Thanks for taking a peek!

Candi 01.jpg

Candi 02.jpg

Cheri 01.jpg

Cheri 02.jpg

Z&J 01.jpg

Z&J 02.jpg
Thank you, seven and AD! I really had fun with the peacock soaps because she told me she just wanted lots of color and 120 soaps. So I got to play around with scents and color shading. I also forgot to include the last one I did for her which is in purple, lavender and white. These don't look like feathers as much as interestingly shaped hearts. Appropriate for the occasion! :lol:

Candi 03.jpg
Wow! What a lot of work but what a lot of fun! They look fantastic and congrats to them all, particularly your son. That's a big day for you as well, that one.
Wow! What a lot of work but what a lot of fun! They look fantastic and congrats to them all, particularly your son. That's a big day for you as well, that one.

Thanks newbie! And you're right about my son's wedding being a big day. We're all so excited about it as we love her almost as much as we love our boy, lol! But I'm "wedding worn out". This is my 3rd (and last) child to get married in the past 14 months. They're killing me!

(who isn't a Harry Potter fan though?)

I know, right? They wanted to get married on July 31st which is Harry's birthday but other family obligations got in the way so they settled on July 30th instead. I also forgot to mention that I named all the soap scents with HP character names, spells, charms, etc. So I have things like Muggle Mint, Honeydukes Papaya Coconut, Ravenclaw Raspberry Vanilla, Aguamenti di Gio and Zack's Butterbeer Stout (plus several others). My daughter and I had a blast coming up with them!
Thanks newbie! And you're right about my son's wedding being a big day. We're all so excited about it as we love her almost as much as we love our boy, lol! But I'm "wedding worn out". This is my 3rd (and last) child to get married in the past 14 months. They're killing me!

I know, right? They wanted to get married on July 31st which is Harry's birthday but other family obligations got in the way so they settled on July 30th instead. I also forgot to mention that I named all the soap scents with HP character names, spells, charms, etc. So I have things like Muggle Mint, Honeydukes Papaya Coconut, Ravenclaw Raspberry Vanilla, Aguamenti di Gio and Zack's Butterbeer Stout (plus several others). My daughter and I had a blast coming up with them!

The soaps for your son are awesome! I just finished the 4th book for the 5th time. Yes, I reread the books over and over - they are that good. Starting on the 5th book now. I love order of the phoenix - or maybe I just love to hate Umbridge!
I know, right? They wanted to get married on July 31st which is Harry's birthday but other family obligations got in the way so they settled on July 30th instead. I also forgot to mention that I named all the soap scents with HP character names, spells, charms, etc. So I have things like Muggle Mint, Honeydukes Papaya Coconut, Ravenclaw Raspberry Vanilla, Aguamenti di Gio and Zack's Butterbeer Stout (plus several others). My daughter and I had a blast coming up with them!

Oh man those sound great, I did a butterbeer bar myself, but nothing close to any of the others
You've been a busy girl! What beautiful soaps.....I especially love the peacock swirls. My swirl envy is in full force.....such beautiful colors.
Thank you, everyone, for your very kind words! :razz:

The soaps for your son are awesome! I just finished the 4th book for the 5th time. Yes, I reread the books over and over - they are that good. Starting on the 5th book now. I love order of the phoenix - or maybe I just love to hate Umbridge!

Isn't she the most hateful little thing?! JK Rowling is freakin' brilliant. We have them all in audio format on our ipods so every time we take a long road trip, we plug them in. Me, I'm just an audiobook addict and always have my ipod going. I usually re-listen to all the books every year or so. If you haven't listened to any of them, Dorymae, I highly recommend it. Jim Dale is an AMAZING narrator. He was in the Guinness Book for creating 134 different voices in one book which was "Order of the Phoenix", but has been surpassed by the Game of Thrones narrator.

Very lovely!

I think a "mischief managed" soap favor for a baby shower would be HYSTERICAL.

OMG! That would be SOOOO funny Dixie!

So pretty! This is one case where I would actually keep the soap and not use it, what a beautiful reminder of a great day.

I always make a gift basket for the bride and groom that includes one of every soap plus a soap dish, pouf and loofah. If I had a stamp made, that goes in as well. I don't want a frantic bride (I think they all are, lol) to think of keeping soaps after they've already given them all away!