My first craft fair in November

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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2009
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I have registered for my first craft fair on Nov 14th. It's a really small one done by a local volunteer fire department. The entry fee was only $20. This was perfect for my first try because it isn't so huge or expensive as to be overwhelming. It gives me time to get all my "ducks in a row" and get some soap made. But with that small entry fee, I don't have to sell a lot to make it worthwhile and it will still be good experience and hopefully a lot of fun.
Sounds like alot of fun without a huge $$$$ outlay. Be sure to let us see what you'll be bringing and your table setup. Loads of pics, please.

Congrats on putting yourself out there!! :)

I hope it is very successful for you. This is how I would like my first craft fair to be. Gooooood luck :p

good for you! :D

sounds like a great way to break the ice without a whole lot of pressure!

make sure to take some samples and LOTS OF BIZ CARDS!

wishing you the best! :D
heyjude said:
Sounds like alot of fun without a huge $$$$ outlay. Be sure to let us see what you'll be bringing and your table setup. Loads of pics, please.

Congrats on putting yourself out there!! :)


It's a little scary. I have friends who say they don't want to use anything but my soap anymore, so I figure I must be doing something right. I'd like to see how it goes over with people who don't love me though.
That is super oldragbagger! I'm certain if your friends only want to use your soap that you'll have many others that feel the same way. Wishing you good luck!
Iam also doing some in fall, did you get craft ins?is it really necessary?
make sure you put a mailing list notebook out,so people can sign up to find out where you will be next and you could even send them coupons and discounts if they come to your next show.
rszuba said:
make sure you put a mailing list notebook out,so people can sign up to find out where you will be next and you could even send them coupons and discounts if they come to your next show.

I want to do this! Do you know of any mailing list software that I can get?
Second thoughts.....

I'll be honest, I'm having second thoughts. The cost of LLC and insurance premiums....... I'm afraid to do it without them, but can't justify the cost just to do this small fair, and I am nowhere near the point of being ready to do anything bigger.

Maybe I'll just work on my Christmas gift bags and forget it. I was thinking of telling the volunteer fire department to keep my entry fee as a donation and withdrawing my name.

I really don't want a big soap business, that is not my goal. But how can you "dabble" in the small stuff and justify the costs of doing business? I would have been happy to make a little here and there to supplement the costs of my supplies, but I don't see how it's doable. Anyone else in this predicament have any input on this?