Lard/Tallow Pasture/Grass Fed vs Grain Fed

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Dec 10, 2019
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For others that also render their own fats:
Previously, the butcher has been giving me fat from grain fed animals. However, they are doing grass and pasture fed right now and so that's what they are giving me.

The resulting lard/tallow seems to be less white ... more yellow/golden and is much softer.
A few questions:
1. Is this normal for pasture/grass fed animals as opposed to grain fed? I did find information about the meat/fat containing more omega 3's and a few other things so it makes sense that it would look/feel a bit different. Just wondering if others have experienced the same thing.

2. Since the fat does seem to be a bit different, is there a change to the FA profiles?

3. Is there a change to the SAP values?

Thanks for any help/insight anyone has to offer. :)
I'm so sorry I probably won't be of much help, since I have no experience using animal fats.. I know @Ladka renders her own fat and I hope that maybe she can share some insight?
I also found this article that says it's normal that grass fed is a bit more yellow because of carotenoids (I didn't read further than the abstract). I think you don't need to worry too much about different FA compositions/sap values. It doesn't look like there are very big differences.
I doubt the sap value would be much different, if at all. I can't speak for that tallow however but it would make a bit of sense if there are a few mild differences between grain-fed and grass-fed tallow. But I doubt it's really going to affect the soap.
I always wonder about this, too, so I played around with the SMF soap calculator to figure out how a slight change in the composition of the lard or tallow might affect the sap. For example, the sap for tallow is .143. For 90% tallow and 10% HO sunflower (for estimating a higher oleic content) it’s .142 and for 90% tallow and 10% soybean (for estimating a higher linoleic and linolenic content) it’s .142. In my opinion, these small differences in sap would have minimal impact on the final product unless you’re using a very low SF.
I don't know whether the lard/tallow I get from my butcher is from animals that are grain or grass and pasture fed but the former is more probable. They are both very, very white after I render and filter or wash them.
@szaza, @Arimara, @Mobjack Bay, @Ladka Thank you all for your input. I finally decided the fat was clean even though the color and texture were different. So went ahead and bagged/froze it for use. I made my first batch using both lard and tallow from this last batch of fats and it turned out great. It did seem as if there was a little extra fluidity which is fine in my books. :)


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@szaza, @Arimara, @Mobjack Bay, @Ladka Thank you all for your input. I finally decided the fat was clean even though the color and texture were different. So went ahead and bagged/froze it for use. I made my first batch using both lard and tallow from this last batch of fats and it turned out great. It did seem as if there was a little extra fluidity which is fine in my books. :)
Mmm, delicious pieces of cake!
How long did it take to trace? And what was the ratio of lard vs. tallow?
Speaking about the slight differences in sap values and making soap. I had a small container of mixed oils about 8 oz worth and wanted to use them up since I hate waste. I added in enough lard and tallow to make up a one lb batch using sap for the tallow which I used the highest percentage of knowing the mixed oils also would have contained tallow or palm. It was a bit of leftover from a batch I goofed mixing and had to fix, but forgot to mark the recipe as being the one I fixed. :D Needless to say, my note keeping skills leave a bit to be desired at times. The soap turned out just fine with upping my superfat from 2-3%.
Speaking about the slight differences in sap values and making soap. I had a small container of mixed oils about 8 oz worth and wanted to use them up since I hate waste. I added in enough lard and tallow to make up a one lb batch using sap for the tallow which I used the highest percentage of knowing the mixed oils also would have contained tallow or palm. It was a bit of leftover from a batch I goofed mixing and had to fix, but forgot to mark the recipe as being the one I fixed. :D Needless to say, my note keeping skills leave a bit to be desired at times. The soap turned out just fine with upping my superfat from 2-3%.
Wow, that's great to hear! Glad it worked out. My note taking skills are not always great either, so I'm sure I will be facing the same issue one day. lol

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