Hello all.. I have recently created my site that i've been working on for the past 2 weeks.. there are still alot of tweaks that need to be made.. such as.. adding and taxonomy of content.. a new logo, which will come later.. i want to add a group function like Google Groups..and writting out the faq.. but for now i think it will manage.. there are many functions that i included like the popular social networks out there.. such as adding friends (thats my favorite), adding recipes in a table format, fivestar ratings on most content, etc. just to name a few.. I am so excited that I lose sleep over it sometimes.. my dream is to be the next of crafts.. do you know that 23 yr old turned down a 1 billion dollar buy out from Yahoo?? Well, thats pretty much my inspiration for making this site.. I havent launched it yet but I will in the new future.. so in the meantime you are free to post anything on there even on the buy/sell section (no spam or affiliate links please!) so i can conduct my testing phase of the site.. please give me any feedbacks or comments.. i have been reading the posts and I know Lovehound is very critical when it comes to reviews.. i'll be waiting for yours