I am a total copycat

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newbie said:
Oh god! Have I ever posted where I live? If I haven't, they can send those gremlins to....ah..... Alaska. That's it.

I love Mucha too! The art deco era was amazing. I had this deco tile mural put up in the kitchen of the house I built (well, not me personally) because I love the lines and curves of that style.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... MEWAX%3AIT

Some of my swirls may look nice, but it's only because of the fluid nature of the soap. If I had to hand draw anything like that...? Forget it. Would never be able to get that kind of natural curve from a pen or pencil. Glad it happens in soap, though!

It doesn't matter whether you've posted where you live or not, the...Soap...Gremlins...can...find...you. Bwahahaha! :twisted:

I know what you mean. I can't even draw a straight line. Mucha was an incredibly talented genius. I just realized maybe that's why I'm so attracted to swirled soaps because of the resemblence to Art Nouveau.

I have to correct myself. I said Art Deco earlier instead of Nouveau. :oops: Although, I like Art Deco, too.

newbie said:
Perhaps everyone should save their pennies and put it in the "Lyn fund". Then we bring her here to the States and have her do a weekend seminar!

Why don't we try and talk her into doing videos on youtube? Otherwise, by the time we have enough pennies, I'll be too decrepit to hold a stick blender. :lol:
Hazel said:
Why don't we try and talk her into doing videos on youtube? Otherwise, by the time we have enough pennies, I'll be too decrepit to hold a stick blender. :lol:

Hey - that's an excellent idea. Where do I sign the petition?
I stand corrected as well. The Nouveau period had more of the organic curves than deco did, but I do love them both.

Now, the question is, what will Lyn see as an appropriate bribe for the videos? I'd hate to have to bear witness to your shaking rheumatic hand trying to push the on button for the stick blender. We'd have to get you one of those Clapper things.

The soap gremlins will have to find their way through my booby trapped house. No matter where you go, there is something to trip on, bang into, or step over, I swear. I know I'd hear them coming , the little buggers.
newbie said:
I stand corrected as well. The Nouveau period had more of the organic curves than deco did, but I do love them both.

Now, the question is, what will Lyn see as an appropriate bribe for the videos? I'd hate to have to bear witness to your shaking rheumatic hand trying to push the on button for the stick blender. We'd have to get you one of those Clapper things.

The soap gremlins will have to find their way through my booby trapped house. No matter where you go, there is something to trip on, bang into, or step over, I swear. I know I'd hear them coming , the little buggers.

You could probably bribe her in fragrance oils? :lol:
GreenScene said:
Hazel said:
Why don't we try and talk her into doing videos on youtube? Otherwise, by the time we have enough pennies, I'll be too decrepit to hold a stick blender. :lol:

Hey - that's an excellent idea. Where do I sign the petition?

We could first try whining and pleading. Ooohh! Pleeeaze Lyn...pretty please with sugar on top...

When that doesn't work, we can try agriffin's suggestion. :lol:

newbie said:
The soap gremlins will have to find their way through my booby trapped house. No matter where you go, there is something to trip on, bang into, or step over, I swear. I know I'd hear them coming , the little buggers.

I don't know about that. They're patient, sneaky and very, very quiet. :wink:
i have asked Lynn before about a tut and she is without a camera. she said once she had one and had some extra time, she might take some pics or something.
I appreciate the willingness of all who share their techniques, recipes, etc. on this site. Seeing the work of other soapmakers is such an inspiration. Imagine - fine art using soap as the medium! Thanks, Lyn, Amanda, Newbie, Deda, and all the others who so generously offer encouragement, and even admonishment, when necessary to those of us with less experience.
I second Ewenique's sentiment. There really is no way to convey the depth of appreciation so many of us feel. Those of you who share so very generously, thank you so much! :D
Wow guys I dont really know what to say I thank you guys for such lovely lovely comments I am pretty blown away that you love my soaps so :0)
I am a firm believer that if you dont want to share then dont post or show pics and I am happy to help with this technique. Only problem is I dont have a video recorder and think it would be much easier than with a set of photos. I could try with the photos and see how that goes or I can put the call out and see if someone would be kind enough to let me use thier video recorder to do this for my SMF buddies :0).
Dang I would so love a trip to the USA :D :D :D :D
Just this week-end I meet a woman who contacted me on fb, she is a soapmaker and is off to the USA in June to do the 3 day intensive soaping course at bramble berry how cool is that, on her return she wants to set up some soapmaking courses and wants to get me involved. What is really exciting is she travels a lot and there is a real market opening in Europe for good soap and is very keen to look at it further. She is just months away from completing a Phd so not stupid by any means so I am so excited by this!!!!!!!
Kev has jsut informed me that our camera records so would have to find out if it would download to utube. Promise I will look into this early next week, just did a market yesterday and have four nightshifts ahead of me and tired at the start of them!!!!! Will play with the camera and see what I can do maybe even if I loaded it onto USB stick and sent it to one of you girls that is a little more cluey as I am just a simple soul :0).
SMF has some wonderful members who are all generous in their giving of advice and time. Okay I will record on our camera a soaping session thursday night this week and then get Kev to play with it and see if he can upload it to Utube :D :D :D .
Alright!!! Even if you can get it on a flash drive drive (stick thingey), I'm sure someone on the forum is pretty tech-oriented and can get it uploaded. Wooohooo!!! THanks, Lyn!!
I was so aggravated yesterday. I'd planned a yellow and green loaf using yuzu FO. Green bottom layer, yellow top layer with green curls embedded. I had the curls all laid out, but I figured, what the heck - I'll try a Lynn top again. Know what? It WORKED! I think I just hadn't been letting it set up enough, as the soap was at a very thick pudding stage when it worked. Almost all of my tops are very textured, but don't have the same look as Lynn's, but this one was perfect! And then there were all of those stupid soap curls, which of course meant the top texture was pointless. I was tempted to forget about the curls altogether, but I didn't, and now I regret it. Who knows how long it'll be before I manage that again?! LOL Ah, well. Maybe next time!
Newbie, I love the colors in your soap, they look so rich and regal. I also can't wait to see the tutuorial that Lyn is going to do. I have tried and tried to get a textured top and it is no where close to what Lyn or others have done. One batch I played with for thirty minutes :shock: and My son thought that I was crazy playing with it so much, alas no success. :cry:
Oh Greenscene, you have to post some pictures! That's very exciting! I'm not sure what you mean about the curls ruining the tops, but it still has to be pretty good!

THanks IG! I haven't even tried textured tops yet so I'm awaiting the tutorial with bated breath as well. I like working flat and doing things with colors, but it's nice to have a variety of looks to work with and I'm seriously lacking in texture. My son thinks I'm nuts for soaping, period, much less playing around for a half hour with a spoon (or whatever people use). Can't wait to hear his commentary once that starts!
newbie said:
Oh Greenscene, you have to post some pictures! That's very exciting! I'm not sure what you mean about the curls ruining the tops, but it still has to be pretty good!

I don't know how to explain it. I did what I normally do with my tops, which is to wait until they're in the mold and setting up pretty well, then poke around at them with a skewer, chopstick, or popsicle stick, depending on my mood. I've never had much luck with the whisk patterns, though I know a lot of other soapers do lovely work with those. Anyway, I waited until the soap was a little thicker than I normally would have and used a popsicle stick to texture the top. I drug it along each side of the mold so that it was higher in the middle than on the sides, then I just swirled the stick around the middle part so it had that same kind of light, lovely top like Lyn's always do.

BUT. I had already planned on putting green curled embeds in the top of this loaf. They were all cut and laying out, and I foolishly figured I'd go ahead and stick with my original plan. The force of pushing the curls into the top pretty much flattened out all the work I had done to get it looking like Lyn's do, so it was all for nothing! I'm going to do another loaf tomorrow instead of a slab, just so I can try my hand at it again.

Here's a picture of the soap curls, though.

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I see what you mean. I can't really see the textured part through the curls, and it may have flattened it, but that's a dang cute soap! All put together like that, it looks like curly blue hair! I'm sorry it didn't work out that time, but next time.... And more pictures when you do, please!!

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