What was the last lesson the soap taught you ?

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Fairydittle said:
Learned not to try to brush my hair away from my face while soaping. I had my ceiling fan on in the kitchen, I always pull my hair back in a pony tail. The fan kept blowing a few wisps of my hair in my face and I barely touched my face. I apparently got soap on my gloves and did not realize that while pulling my hair back out of my eyes. Needless to say I had to small burns right below my eye. I got the vinegar and ran cool water over it. It scabbed over the next day and was tender for several days. I have always been very careful to follow safety while soaping. I am even more careful now. This could have been a lot worse. Your eyes are our most precious gift without them we would not be able to see all the bubbles that we make!! Please be careful while enjoying your new found hobby. Who would think that just barely pushing your hair out of your eyes you could get your face burned. Take it from me, it happened and did not feel very good. :( :(

Been there,done that! And you do it without even registering hey? I now use one of those wide hairband scarf thingies,keeps all my hair tucked away,sits neatly under the goggles & completes the wierdo mad scientist look beautifully! :wink:
gekko62 said:
Fairydittle said:
Learned not to try to brush my hair away from my face while soaping. I had my ceiling fan on in the kitchen, I always pull my hair back in a pony tail. The fan kept blowing a few wisps of my hair in my face and I barely touched my face. I apparently got soap on my gloves and did not realize that while pulling my hair back out of my eyes. Needless to say I had to small burns right below my eye. I got the vinegar and ran cool water over it. It scabbed over the next day and was tender for several days. I have always been very careful to follow safety while soaping. I am even more careful now. This could have been a lot worse. Your eyes are our most precious gift without them we would not be able to see all the bubbles that we make!! Please be careful while enjoying your new found hobby. Who would think that just barely pushing your hair out of your eyes you could get your face burned. Take it from me, it happened and did not feel very good. :( :(

Been there,done that! And you do it without even registering hey? I now use one of those wide hairband scarf thingies,keeps all my hair tucked away,sits neatly under the goggles & completes the wierdo mad scientist look beautifully! :wink:

Twilitr said:
IsItSoapYet? said:
What I Learned Last Night:

Blue colorant + soap that is sort of Yellow because of the olive oil = Green + more Blue = Grey (uh-oh) + a BUNCH of Red= a color of deep, dusty pink I can live with for my Lavender soap. Whew!

That happened to me as well, once it cured it turned a nice purple

Hey! That's how mine looks now! Like a kind of deep violet. Neat. Alls well that ends well!
Got another one. That rancid smell that I sometimes get, that smells like the original fragrance went sour? ...I think that happens when the fragrance is not thoroughly mixed.