What part of 2nd-day air don't you understand

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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
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I'm sorry, but I am done with a certain soap supply company. First, they overlook an order and send it out three weeks after I place my order, and now I order 2nd day air on a Wednesday, find they shipped it two days later, meaning I won't get it until the following Tuesday. that's $20 in shipping alone for one bottle of fragrance oil. They are notoriously slow and expensive to ship, but this is ridiculous. I'm over it!
This may not be the right thread, and for that I apologize. But dang!!
Sorry. I know that's frustrating. I got a package from BA on Friday. Really quick given that I only paid standard shipping and ordered it on The previous Monday. Only problem was, it was somebody else's order and the coconut oil had leaked out a bit and soaked into the box anyway.
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I think my thread I just posted on them and their unprofessional response to a problem is the same company, maybe??
I'm not happy either. Their fo's are great, but it's becoming not worth it, unfortunately. Sad (if we are talking about the same company that is).

I'm sorry. 2 day did turn into 6 didn't it? Why orders can't process within 24 hrs is beyond me, when all other companies I've worked with process within a day.
It is, lionprincess. Sadly, they were my introduction to soapmaking and I learned a lot, and came to depend on their scents and other products. I'm not sure where I'll go for supplies that maintain my brand because they carry specific FOs and micas that my customer really like, and so do I. And you're so right about the response--it's all, "Oh, nos! Sorry this happened to you!" As if I had sprained an ankle or something. No taking of responsibility for what "happened" to me. :(

I got half of my shipping cost conveyed toward the next order (buy more stuff!) which was $18. But even $18 for a three-week delivery time is outrageous. What really frosts my pumpkins is that I'm the one to get flak because I'm sending out holiday orders late and my customers need to do gifting, wrapping, shipping of their own. In the meantime I'm scenting drop by drop with the last of the FO like Scrooge, trying to eke it out until I get my order.

Sorry, now I'm just venting.
Why orders can't process within 24 hrs is beyond me, when all other companies I've worked with process within a day.
Their shipping is notorious for being slow and high, but I think "slow and high" might refer to the people in the warehouse.

And DW, that's a shame. I think the holidays have a lot of companies scrambling. But shoot, I ordered little gifties (and a cute skirt for me!) from Plasticland and got the whole order two days later, and I chose the cheapest shipping option. So it can be done. They also sent it in an awesome long cardboard box that I can totally use for a gelling station. So now I'm in love with Plasticland. Customer loyalty is a stubborn yet fragile thing. More companies should understand that.
A couple of weeks ago, I finally got tired of this company's slow shipping, etc. So I split my order between 4 different suppliers to see how they would perform. I placed the orders on a Monday morning. Two were at my house by Wed, one of these was in Oregon. Third hit the house on Thurs and the last arrived on Fri.

The common denominator on all of these suppliers, was that they all shipped out either the day I ordered or the next day. One can blame a long drive on shipping times, but if it doesn't leave your warehouse for 6 days, it's just poor management.

If I had to guess, I'd say they just grew beyond their capabilities. They have a high exposure on the net, and I'm sure they get a lot of first time soapers and people just getting into the hobby. Since most of these people would just think it takes that long, the company sees no reason to change. It's a shame really, they have some good products. But so do lots of other company's that ship faster and cheaper.

Grumpy, I feel your anger. It's just wrong on so many levels to charge someone for two day shipping, then sit on the order for 4 or 5 days before you ship it.

Edit: Grumpy I had the same thoughts of how am I going to replace these scents, etc. Most of the orders I sent out as described in my post were for EO's and FO's. I found some to be really close and some were better, lasted in the process better, cleaner scent. etc. They're out there, might want to post what you're needing to replace and I bet others will be able to give some recommendations.
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Vent away. They taught me too, and I studied off them for weeks before soaping my first soap. It disappoints me because I felt a loyalty towards them for the fact how they taught me so much, but it can only go so far and I feel I need to branch out because of their lack of customer service skills. I will still go for the handfull of fo's I enjoy there, unless/until I find replacements.
f I had to guess, I'd say they just grew beyond their capabilities. They have a high exposure on the net, and I'm sure they get a lot of first time soapers and people just getting into the hobby.

That's so true. Like lionprincess, I started out Googling "I want to make soap" or whatever and guess who arrives like a soapy fairy godmother to teach me? They work social media like whoa.
Can someone PM me the companies name? I think I no, but....

Thanks in advance!
A couple of weeks ago, I finally got tired of this company's slow shipping, etc. So I split my order between 4 different suppliers to see how they would perform. I placed the orders on a Monday morning. Two were at my house by Wed, one of these was in Oregon. Third hit the house on Thurs and the last arrived on Fri.

Hey Beachy, was the Oregon Co Oregon Trails? I was checking out their site when someone else mentioned one of their scents as an alternative.
Sorry, now I'm just venting. Their shipping is notorious for being slow and high, but I think "slow and high" might refer to the people in the warehouse.

I'm laughing out loud right now! I'm not sure which supply company we're talking about, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, then grumpy_owl might be on the money here (you know, the vendor being located in WA and all). LOL
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Are we talking about BB? If so, I am so over them. The slow shipping is just something that I do not want to put up with any longer and the last straw for me was sending me a partial shipment of my order because an item was back ordered. They should list the item as being out of stock if they dont have it...grrrr.
I am down to only having to order 3 FO's from them now and im in the process of looking for replacements for those.
I know we don't want to bash companies on here, and with enough reading I can make an educated guess on the companies in question, but I was wondering if any one might suggest alternative companies and your good experiences so I can focus on who to use instead of guessing who not to use. I have limited experience with suppliers still and always wonder if I am receiving sub par service and don't even know it. So if you have rave reviews let's hear them too!
It is, lionprincess. Sadly, they were my introduction to soapmaking and I learned a lot, and came to depend on their scents and other products. I'm not sure where I'll go for supplies that maintain my brand because they carry specific FOs and micas that my customer really like, and so do I. And you're so right about the response--it's all, "Oh, nos! Sorry this happened to you!" As if I had sprained an ankle or something. No taking of responsibility for what "happened" to me. :(
They do this all year, but around the holidays they're the worst, they just refuse to hire enough help to keep things flowing.

Sorry, now I'm just venting. Their shipping is notorious for being slow and high, but I think "slow and high" might refer to the people in the warehouse.
And this is the quote of the century about them! I almost spit my soup right out my nose

Companies I love to do business with as their products are high quality, their customer service is fantastic, and they ship orders quickly...

Mad Oils (FOs, EOs, and micas)
Nature's Garden (FOs, oils and other supplies)
Wholesale Supplies Plus (oils and other supplies)

As far as the company we are all discussing, their products are very high quality. I would *love* to do more business with them except that their shipping and shipping-issue-resolution needs work.

If anyone knows somewhere else to get scents: Champagne, Ginger Ale, Energy, and a 10X Orange EO... please share. Also, I haven't found a good replacement for LaBomb colorants yet. The Stained Glass ones from WSP work great in bubble bars but lack oomph in bombs.
If anyone knows somewhere else to get scents: Champagne, Ginger Ale, Energy, and a 10X Orange EO... please share. Also, I haven't found a good replacement for LaBomb colorants yet. The Stained Glass ones from WSP work great in bubble bars but lack oomph in bombs.
+1 on the search for Champagne, Energy and Tenfold Orange. I use these a LOT. Right now I'm tying PITA little bows on my glittery Pink Champagne soap ornaments--Champagne, a dash of Bourdeaux Blend and a dash of Energy. Sounds weird but it works.

Stupid bows...some people just gotta show off.
what? are we not allowed to mention company names? I've found that most soaping suppliers charge inflated shipping prices, but this one is the queen of overinflated shipping.

I don't think mentioning company names is a bad thing if you have had repeated bad service..I could be wrong..and I hope I wouldn't get into trouble here on the forum for mentioning my bad experiences and with what supplier..its not libel if what is said is true.

I myself wont do business with BB..they are making money off the shipping, and the shipping times are ridiculous.
I also wont do business with BA again..they also ship partial orders and dont let the customer know that something is out of stock before they take the money.

I have had excellent service with the following:

Mikes Fragrances n More
Essential Depot
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