There is nothing shy about her at all, I can touch her head, poke at her eyes, whatever. Its obvious she has been handled a lot. She is probably the most laid back snake I've ever seen. She does have some good alien heads going on & will be gorgeous when she sheds all that dull scratched up skin.
I have no idea how to find her owner. I posted on a local facebook yard sale group but no one is commenting , sharing or cross posting. Guess most people only care about lost pets when they are cute & furry. Oh well, the pet store knows I have her and I'll contact the local vets tomorrow just in case.
I should probably go door to door but I don't really want too. Reptiles only escape when owner don't provide secure housing, I feel like I'm doing enough. If her owners are looking for her, they need to put up fliers and get the word out.
I still think someone probably let her loose, balls are so common around here you can hardly give them away.