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I can't find a thread here on SMF without having to go page by page back for two years worth of pages and it takes a horrendously long time doing that! The title should include "challenge" but I guess it doesn't, or search should have found it. Not only does the SMF search not find the thread, Google can't find it either, so the title must be too obscure. I hate having to go page by page only 2 pages at a time to find an old Challenge thread! ...
Hi Earlene, glad you are back :)

There are little arrows to the left and right of the page numbers - they allow you to skip along pages in chunks (I know this, because I thought the same as you, and got an answer to use the arrows ... it's not obvious until you know they are there - the one on this page is currently sitting between page 1 and page 41. It's fast, because you are skipping without loading pages, like the 2 page scroll has to do :)).

On searching, when I get limited results, I immediately type in the search term a second time to get the full list of threads that match.
This works because the first search is restricted to the forum you are currently in (as a default - the box "search this forum only" is set to on), whereas the second search defaults to searching all forums.
Unchecking the "search this forum only" also works (for those who know in advance to do this).
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My shoulder blade hurts. I pulled something the other day and I CAN NOT reach the spot to put Ben Gay on it
love me some ben gay ;)
Soaping around people who have no idea handmade soaps even exist (IKR), nor that you use oils for them, and have never heard of shea butter...... and them giving you their opinions about your soap, which is of course, actually comparing to store bought synthetic bars.. and you can't even say "handmade soap is at the very least, prettier" because you're not even churning out pretty looking soaps at the moment (total newbie here) **sigh**
Gripe #1: went to beer club last night. 3x as many members as usual and everyone brought beer to try. I haven't been this hungover on a Wednesday in 12 years...

Gripe #2: New customers that come to me looking for something and when I don't know what it is, they trash talk me on social media. She came to me looking for "castenada" soap, so I asked a few questions and figured she meant castile soap, so I sent her a link to my castile soap. She said that wasn't it, she is looking for "castenada" soap which is only made with olive oil. I replied that if she looks at the listing she will see it is only made with OO, and she replied back that it isn't made with only OO because it also has "aloe vera and other stuff" and the soap she is looking for only has OO in the ingredients. Insert forehead slap here, right? So I sent a reply back, very nicely worded explaining the soapmaking process and how one cannot have soap with olive oil as the only ingredient because it would still be olive oil and not soap... Her response was to trash talk me on social media, in very specific detail, and tell everyone not to buy my stuff because I have no clue what I'm doing and my soaps are crap. The only redeeming part in all this is that one of her friends did not jump on the sympathetic trash talk band wagon that her other friends did, and actually pointed out to her that I was completely correct in everything that I said and basically called her an idiot because she didn't even know the correct name of the soap. Even funnier, this morning when I went to see what more drama had been added to the post, it was completely gone. So now I should gripe about that too because I was kind of looking forward to watching this thing play out (without any involvement from me, I did not reply to her original post or any of the comments) and I am now denied that entertainment. Fun haters.
Carloyn, at least she had the sense to delete the post because she learned she was exposing her idiocy. Not everyone has that kind of sense. But I'll bet she never shows her face in your store again.

My husband made a reservation for two nights in a hotel in December that has a $36 valet fee for parking the car. He complains he doesn't want to pay the co-pay to see the doctor (for the hearing exam), but doesn't flinch at a hotel that requires even more for parking per night!
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Okay now I have a gripe. LOL I wont' go into too much detail, mainly because it's boring and I don't have the patience or time to explain it all, but my dental insurance is HORRIBLE and apparently I am literally the only person in our office that has problems with our insurance. Every year during open enrolment when I tell the provider the problems I have I always get the same answer "that shouldn't happen" well, guess what Opie - it HAS happened and IS happening!!! *sigh*

(Can you tell I just got out of an open enrolment meeting? LOL)
I can't find my travel pop-up dirty clothes hamper. Before we left for Europe I re-organized some of the travel stuff, since not all of it was appropriate for that trip. Now I can't some things I want for this trip. I've searched suitcases, and everywhere I can think of where I may have put them, but obviously not in the right place! I guess I'll go to California in the morning without one. So annoying when I organize my ownself out of finding what I need! Well at least I found my coin purse. I couldn't find it for the last two days, but did today when I looked in my camera bag.
Gripe: The hoodie from the Sorbonne that I bought for my granddaughter when we were in Paris had some stains that I did not see when I bought it. I didn't check it carefully enough apparently, and this really bums me out. I tried to get them out with alcohol and most of it came out. Looks like ink, and came out the way ink comes out, so I think it was ink. But anyway, I wish I had carefully inspected it before buying and flying home. So I hope I got enough of it out that she won't be bummed too. I don't know how I missed that!
Soapers who think that because they don't understand a scientific explanation, it must just be an opinion, one they don't agree with, so they'll just ignore it and stick with their own opinion (re: curing time and hp vs. cp).
There seems to be a thing between CP'ers and HP'ers on some FB pages. its an underlying competition or grudge. I see both sides making up outrageous facts when the other side asks for an opinion on something.

I HP because quite frankly, CP scares me lol. To gel or not to gel, to refrigerate or wrap, will it crack, or volcano in the middle of the night? Soap on a <shiver> stick. I read for a year before I tried my first batch of soap. Someday I will try it after a lot more reading because I love how beautiful the soap looks and feels but right now, Im just not brave enough. :shakinghead:

Yep, had a 13 hour work day, came made 4-1lb test batches of soap, cooked dinner and getting ready to head to bed
I dont know how you did all that. I got done with work and was exhausted. My H made dinner, my son made me coffee and i have zero energy to do anything else.
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There seems to be a thing between CP'ers and HP'ers on some FB pages. its an underlying competition or grudge. I see both sides making up outrageous facts when the other side asks for an opinion on something.

I HP because quite frankly, CP scares me lol. To gel or not to gel, to refrigerate or wrap, will it crack, or volcano in the middle of the night? Soap on a <shiver> stick. I read for a year before I tried my first batch of soap. Someday I will try it after a lot more reading because I love how beautiful the soap looks and feels but right now, Im just not brave enough. :shakinghead:

Her attitude seems to be that she makes CP when she has plenty of time but will make HP when she wants soap for an event "next week".

As for the difference between CP and HP, I've tried both and I find CP easier, less time consuming, and more conducive to creativity. Having said that, it's also what I made first so I might be a touch biased. :nodding:
Gripe: apparently it is one of those weeks... I am hosting Thanksgiving next week for both sides of the family. Chris' family is small and mine is huge, so really the five extra people don't make a difference to the 22 that will already be there so I completely volunteered for the gig. But trying to organize other people to bring food... "We have a whole week yet, it's too early to know what I'm bringing." so I responded with "Please bring this." and then was told "Well I was thinking of bringing this..." sigh. His mother and sister are the biggest pains in the rear. This morning I gave up and organized the food with my family and told his mom and sister not to worry about bringing anything. My husband has already messaged me about how upset they are that I'm not letting them help... He completely understands of course because we were at the breakfast table and I discussed it with him before I sent the message (sometimes I come off a bit abrupt). Apparently even his careful wordsmithing has still put me in the doghouse. Well, I guess if there's anything to be said in this gripe it's that I'm thankful for having a husband who understands my need to plan and is willingly defending me to his family.
Her attitude seems to be that she makes CP when she has plenty of time but will make HP when she wants soap for an event "next week".

As for the difference between CP and HP, I've tried both and I find CP easier, less time consuming, and more conducive to creativity. Having said that, it's also what I made first so I might be a touch biased. :nodding:
I think we're on the same FB page lol
Yep, HP is what I learned first. I'm sure if I started with CP id be scared of HP. Pretty sure it's a me thing lol
I have intentionally done HP a few times, and of course the occasional forced "HP" for rebatching or to save a bad FO experience (Crafter's Choice Oatmeal Stout and Urban Cowboy, I'm looking at you). I am not a fan - I've found it to be messier and more dangerous for me. But I'm also a klutz (been known to choke on air and perform random full body gravity checks) so that may be part of the struggle. At least if I get klutzy with CP it's not super hot sticky soap that burns me, it's just a slight tingle unless I happen to spill a ton of something. I do admire people who do it alot, some of the soaps I have seen are absolutely stunning. Some people have a real gift for getting that rustic look just right. (I am not one of them. My HP always looks like a brick of poop...)
Gripe: apparently it is one of those weeks... I am hosting Thanksgiving next week for both sides of the family. Chris' family is small and mine is huge, so really the five extra people don't make a difference to the 22 that will already be there so I completely volunteered for the gig. But trying to organize other people to bring food... "We have a whole week yet, it's too early to know what I'm bringing." so I responded with "Please bring this." and then was told "Well I was thinking of bringing this..." sigh. His mother and sister are the biggest pains in the rear. This morning I gave up and organized the food with my family and told his mom and sister not to worry about bringing anything. My husband has already messaged me about how upset they are that I'm not letting them help... He completely understands of course because we were at the breakfast table and I discussed it with him before I sent the message (sometimes I come off a bit abrupt). Apparently even his careful wordsmithing has still put me in the doghouse. Well, I guess if there's anything to be said in this gripe it's that I'm thankful for having a husband who understands my need to plan and is willingly defending me to his family.

I have anywhere from 15-20 people for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I tell them to bring wine or an appetizer.....I am a control freak with my food and presentation for dinner so I purchase and prepare it all.
LOL. I don't like cooking that much. Mother in law just texted me that she's not coming, this is "too much drama" for her. Eh, well, sorry, leaving things to the day before Thanksgiving when I work a full time and a part-time job is too much drama for me.