Poor sick Doodle Bug (my doggie)

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Sep 14, 2022
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Northern CA
Since I posted about making soap that didn’t do exactly as I wanted and there is a back story on why I had time to make soap today…. here goes…..

I’ve been on PTO for a week. We were all set for a week long cruise, and I really set us up for a nice week - upgraded to a mini-suite, got the upgrade package for drinks and even got us the weeks worth of spa access since it was a cruise on the Pacific Northwest coast and expected to be cold (West Coast Cold, I know lol). Mom was all set to babysit Doodle, the dog in my pic - who is basically the love of our life since our kids are grown and gone and no grandkids and you can only hang out with and spoil the neighbors kids so much without becoming Crazy Auntie instead of just Auntie…..
So a few days before my vaca starts, guess who starts barfing, yup - Doodle. Multiple times a day. Off to the vet we go… try Prilosec. Nope doesn’t help, still barfing, and now she’s got the funky poops and she’s lethargic. So the vet says if she’s not better have your mom bring her back while you’re away. Well, she doesn’t get better and she’s barfing something awful and sick, so could we really leave her when she’s sick, and could we leave my mom with a sick dog? You guessed it, Nope.
Lesson learned - buy the vacation insurance. I didn’t… so even knowing that, we just couldn’t go.
Now it’s been a week with sick ol’ Doodle, so let’s do lab work - and that comes back that pretty unremarkable. Maybe she’s recovering from pancreatitis? Or drank some funky water out of a planter in the backyard?
I have to call the vet again tomorrow, we had a good 36 hours without barfing, but then she did last night and again today, and this isn’t just a bit of sick, like full on everything in her tummy and more sick. I’ve made her chicken and rice, some broth with some tiny beef bits, plain chicken - she’s a bit more spunky but still we can tell she doesn’t feel herself. I got some bone broth and plain chicken to try tonight.

I have to say, this was not the vaca plan… “wash the dog bed, wash the dog blanket, clean up barf, repeat”. The money lost on the vaca sucks, but DH and I agree it was the right call.
I’ve done a few soapy and bath&body things but it’s not the same as sippin mimosas in the spa lol.

So send good thoughts for Doodle to get well soon, please. 🌸
Oh your poor pup :( I hope she is feeling better soon. Too bad about your cruise - it sounds so wonderful. But you wouldn't have enjoyed it worrying about your fur baby. I don't know if this is something in your area, but for the last couple of weeks there have been reports on the local news here about canine flu. They are recommending not taking dogs to the dog parks and basically quarantining (isolating?) dogs from exposure to other dogs. The humane society has suspended adoptions for at least a couple of weeks to be sure all the dogs are healthy. Just a thought.

Sending all good thoughts from Riley (my dog) and me for Doodle.
Sending prayers for Doodle. Ask your Vet to check for worms. Whipworms.
Am sending energies and love to Doodle. Also a hug to you. I would have done the same thing-stay home with Doodle. Dogs are family members.
So pleased to hear that Doodle is feeling better and eating/drinking a bit. Encouraging update. My dog Max and I are happy to hear this! Thank you for letting us know.
Molly and Maggie say "get well soon Doodle Bug xxxx"
Today we went back to the doggie doctor. Doodle had a pretty good day yesterday, but first thing this am, she barfed again. Doctor recommended an X-ray which showed no foreign body in her abdomen - good news. So next step is to add an antibiotic to her medicines. Fingers crossed this starts to help….
She hasn’t touched her kibble for over a week. I’m starting to think I should toss it and put her on that fresh dog food in the fridge. Anyone have their furbabies on that? In the mean time, I’m making her some ground turkey and adding some bone broth to it, since she decided the chicken and rice is not to her liking. 🌸🐶🌸
Today we went back to the doggie doctor. Doodle had a pretty good day yesterday, but first thing this am, she barfed again. Doctor recommended an X-ray which showed no foreign body in her abdomen - good news. So next step is to add an antibiotic to her medicines. Fingers crossed this starts to help….
She hasn’t touched her kibble for over a week. I’m starting to think I should toss it and put her on that fresh dog food in the fridge. Anyone have their furbabies on that? In the mean time, I’m making her some ground turkey and adding some bone broth to it, since she decided the chicken and rice is not to her liking.
Have you checked her mouth to make sure all her teeth are ok? I wonder if she has a bad tooth. Hopefully the vet did a thorough check of her mouth and ears. An ear infection would cause vomiting. Sending a prayer for Doodle.
We make our own dog food with ground beef or lamb and a ton of veg. Potatoes, sweet potato or pumpkin, broccoli stalks, mushrooms, carrots, apple etc. Clean out all the end bits of veg from the bottom of the fridge. Cook it up, freeze it - YUM!
We always keep the stalks from our broccoli in a bag in the fridge. We usually have at least two-three per week. That gets grated into the dog food. Roger typically adds some quinoa and brown rice to his, but I forego the rice and add oats instead ( if you grind some of them up it acts as a thickener).
Thank you for checking, @bwtapestry - I made her a lovely “moose stew” with ground turkey, rice, potato, apple and broccoli and added a bit of bone broth. She snubbed it! You know what she did eat? Some of my broccoli and tilapia - not much but some. And I got her meds in her with some peanut butter because she has a knack for eating the cheese and splitting out the pill - DH says she could probably tie a knot in a cherry stem with that skill level LOL. She’s definitely still sick and I won’t be here to baby her during the day tomorrow but hubby is retired so she won’t be alone. 🌸
Hope your doggy gets better soon. My dog went through something similiar. I had her on four different meds for over a month and she had to go on a prescription low fat kibble for three months or so.
Thought it was pancreatitis at first but blood tests were inconclusive. Most likely it was just bad gastroenteritis.
Its been a year now and she has had a couple flare ups, last one lasted a month but I know how to manage it and she doesn't vomit.

She also had a incident 2 years ago that ended with surgery. With that one we couldn't control symptoms with meds and nothing showed on xrays so they did exploratory surgery. Ended up being a treat that didn't digest right and turned into a sticky mass that couldn't pass.
Hi all - thank you so much for checking and I’m sorry I didn’t update yesterday. Doodle and I are so touched by your kindness with advice, care, info on your fur babies.

Knock on wood, we are approaching 48 hours barf free! She absolutely refused to eat the healthy homemade food, so that had to be scraped, and now she’s learned to find the medication even in the peanut butter, but I’m getting it in her after a few tries. Last night, after her first day without me (only home with DH), I got home and she “told” me all she was willing to eat was a cheeseburger, and even tho it’s not the healthiest, she enjoyed that patty and bit of cheese very much. Checked with the vet and he said continue the Prilosec for a few more days, so got more of that.

Anywho, big picture, no barf, wagging tail, barked at Amazon, and we even got an Ah-Woo out of her when asked to sing the song of her dog people - all good signs!

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