Oh dear. Massive fail.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
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What a batch... I got a little ambitious and decided to swirl... with 8 colors. Let's say it didn't go how I'd hoped.

I had exactly 2.5lb of Olive oil to use up. My log mold is in the car with the boyfriend who happens to be at work. No bother, "let's line a shoe box! Sure, good idea!" = 1st. mistake.

Hmm, I really want to try and swirl... these mixing containers should be big enough...= 2nd mistake

3rd mistake= forget to add FO to whole amount of batter and pour unscented batter into individual containers.

4th= knock over open FO and proceed to use gloved hand to wipe the massive spill into batter bucket off of the counter. Success.

5th= stir colored batches and realize containers are far too small and filled too high to mix properly. Try my best and pour into big bucket for an in the pot swirl. "gee, this all looks pretty darn thin!"

6th= Swirl in the pot, pour into shoe box. Let sit for a half hour,no signs of firming up, even in the oven with a sol. of 40%... hmmm. Well, lets wait..........................nothing. Aw ****, I'm going to have to stick blend this... I guess I wanted brown soap afterall. :cry:

7th= Look over at FO bottle, "Wha, $#(%" Only half of it was added?! So, 2.5lb with .5 oz FO = Nada Yummy. Aw heck, already ruined the swirls. Proceed to SB the rest of the FO into batter in shoe box mold. Bad Idea.

8th= Super mutant stick blender eats a whole in paper via massive suction tornado... soap fills bottom of shoe box. Pour out all batter into different shoe box that was lined in less than 30 seconds.. ha.

9th= Pop that sucker in the oven, forget about it. Open cerveza.
hahaha, 10= open beer, enjoy. Have client come over for a last minute fitting. Forget about soap. Open oven, stand in awe of "soap bread".

I swear, in 10 batches I was mistake free... then on the 10th I make every single one possible. :shock: ack.
Imblebee......I promise I'm not laughing.....(much.... :wink: )

When 'it' hits the fan everything goes amuck, yes? Now I feel soooo much better about my failed swirl yesterday, so thank you! :D

Can you use 'soap bread' as soap? Maybe you have invented another soaping style? We who stand watching here, will tell our grandchildren "Oh yes, I use the Imblebee soaping method all the time now....I remember when it was invented *proud smile*.

..."whispers"....can you post a pic pretty please?

With deepest sympathy,

Tanya :)
OMG, you poor thing. :shock: Thankyou for the laughs LOL :lol:
You know what though...it will probably turn out to be your best ever soap, amazingly moisturising with beautiful lather!

Good luck for next time!
The sun will come out tomorrow.... :)

Fortunately you will not be subjected to my horrible singing voice!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Cerveza is a muy, muy important intervention in such circumstances. I am glad you had some in your pharmacy.

On the happy side of things, you have gotten all ten batches' worth of mistakes over with in one single batch. This costs much less in terms of beer.
Look at it this way...
Think of ALL those lessons you just learned for the price of only ONE small batch of soap... which may turn out to be useable anyway!

So seriously now... I gotta know what the soap mold was doing in the boyfriend's car... Take a soap to work day? :lol: :?:
So seriously now... I gotta know what the soap mold was doing in the boyfriend's car... Take a soap to work day? Laughing Question
Haha, we live in NYC and share a car. He takes it to work in the morning and then we only use it on the weekends to get out of the city. We had just come back from visiting my parents in NH (where I showed/made an awesome batch of lilac for my mom) and it was left in the car... Such a sweet boy too, it was the first thing he brought upstairs once he got home!

On a different note, the soap was ready to cut within hours! A castile... wonders.
Imblebee said:
So seriously now... I gotta know what the soap mold was doing in the boyfriend's car... Take a soap to work day? Laughing Question
Haha, we live in NYC and share a car. He takes it to work in the morning and then we only use it on the weekends to get out of the city. We had just come back from visiting my parents in NH (where I showed/made an awesome batch of lilac for my mom) and it was left in the car... Such a sweet boy too, it was the first thing he brought upstairs once he got home!

On a different note, the soap was ready to cut within hours! A castile... wonders.

Well, don't leave us hangin'!!! Can we see it?
I had a crappy last soap day also, i ran out of olive oil, so bought some at health store, after i paid for it figured out i paid WAY to much, then i spilled it on the counter, tried sucking it up with a syringe( i work in a lab!), the i spilled 1/2 of my fragrance, so.. i know what ya mean!
I had a crappy last soap day also, i ran out of olive oil, so bought some at health store, after i paid for it figured out i paid WAY to much, then i spilled it on the counter, tried sucking it up with a syringe( i work in a lab!), the i spilled 1/2 of my fragrance, so.. i know what ya mean!

Haha, looks like the soap gremlins came a callin'! Hope your batch turned out and I also hope they aren't going to bother me again today!
*updated w/pic


Here is the soap in question. It looks fine but those flecks are dye... and I think the soap is going to "bleed" once it's used. Scented with flower child, a heavy patch scent.

It works, it's just a 180 from what I had in mind. Though bloody soap might be a problem...
Thanks for the late chuckle! It does look nice, though! I think after that, I'd be going for a stiff martini with lots of olives!