lavander creme

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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i like how the photo of these soaps came out. used natural lighting. they are made with soy milk which i make at home for extra creaminess.

i soaked the lavender buds in boiling water and let seep, then drained and dried to see if i could prevent them from going dark on me. they didn't stay purple but they didn't go black either, so it's a partial success i guess

agreed they look DIVINE :)

edit: yeaaah I usually sprinkle the buds on top and some stay purple-ish.. but most go to a grayish color.. :)

still look/smell nice though... I like using them without steeping them because when you put your nose up to the bar and sniff...I love the extra little hint of lavender smell the buds give! :)
Very lovely. The natural light really picks up on the creaminess of the bars. I love how you wrapped them too. Very nice!

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