January SMF Challenge -Hidden Heart Swirl

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I took a Tall plastic cup... It's one of those Orange ones From Hooter's. Lol I rubbed the sides down with Olive Oil so it wouldn't stick. I prepared and cut 6 stripes of thin MP to create a soap rim on the outside so I would know where to cut my loaves.

I wrapped one at the bottom. Filled it with the base color, I let it cool. I then put the next soap rim around the inside, made sure it was touching the other. Poured the base color half way up the "rim" then poured my two colors in the middle just enough to reach the top of the "rim."

I then gave it a couple seconds about 30 and I put the chopstick down the middle of the colorful blob... Just once. It looked like a legit heart at that point. I repeated that process until I only had enough space left in the cup for one last "layer." I then did the exact same thing I did with the very first one.

I think what I'm gonna do when I try again (probably Saturday) is get a shorter container and just do the EXACT samething but this time just one single bar with the heart in the middle.

I'm determined to get it right. If you try it how I did don't show me the results or anything until I either give up or atleast get close. Lol Since I'm a newbie I wanna learn from figuring it out myself.

I'm so sorry about my "instructions!!" I really suck at putting together words when trying to go into detail. Hopefully you can understand it & it was around somewhat helpful :D

Makes sense. I understood it! lol

If you pour at a hotter temperature, you will get it, but you run the risk of the colors melting too much.

I had a different idea on doing it, but I ran out of time. I cannot believe this month is gone!
The entries look great. I’m suddenly very happy that time got away from me and I couldn’t get an entry made
Aw... don't say that, we learn from each other, whether it's a perfect batch or soap gremlins peeed on our soaps just to marking their territory. ;)
Yes, cherrycoke, I saw you added the photo. I have never used the app so did not know it made adding photos difficult. I have a lot of trouble posting to the forum from my tablet, but I don't use the app on my tablet either. In fact, I even have trouble reading the forum from my tablet. Advancing from one page in a thread to the next page is part of the problem. So I tend to avoid the forum when on my tablet because it is frustrating. I don't even try on my phone because my eyes don't like that little tiny screen.
I realise that, I was just wondering what was happening as its 31st Jan (here in Australia)
The forum is showing that the last time @galaxyMLP was here was last Friday. Anyone else a bit concerned for her welfare? I know how life goes, but where I'm at Influenza A is running rampant (we currently have 3 employees in the hospital and nearly 100 students out of school in our little 21k population town, that's HUGE) and would like to at least make sure she's healthy and able, even if she is a bit busy. Anyone know her personally?
The forum is showing that the last time @galaxyMLP was here was last Friday. Anyone else a bit concerned for her welfare? I know how life goes, but where I'm at Influenza A is running rampant (we currently have 3 employees in the hospital and nearly 100 students out of school in our little 21k population town, that's HUGE) and would like to at least make sure she's healthy and able, even if she is a bit busy. Anyone know her personally?

I hope all is well with her too.
I'm wondering if our mods are very busy with the forum change, as the Feb challenge hasn't kicked off yet either. I am sure things will get back on track but I do hope galaxy is ok too
Survey link is on the entry thread and passwords were sent. Please refer to the entry thread for the link and explanation for why two people don't have their pics on the actual survey, forcing you to come back to the entry thread and gaze upon them from there.
Non-entry photo . . . just twirling and swirling the soap-mixing pot . . .
I didn't get an entry in this time :(

Do I vote or should I leave me out?
(Happy to go with whatever the done thing is)

Thanks to GalaxyMLP & newbie ...
(and to the entrants - such talent!).