CLIFF NOTES: Basic chemistry. Mix Seasalt and Baking Soda in separate cups of hot water. I didn't do this and my solution was cloudy from being undissolved.
THE STORY: Early this morning, I found ZANY’S NO SLIME OLIVE OIL CASTILE recipe and was intrigued by the Faux Seawater Recipe included in the post. Although I wasn't quite awake yet, I decided a simple 3-ingredient water-base solution didn't require more brain cells than I was currently operating with. Here's how I managed to screw things up TWICE,
1st Attempt: In the time it took me to go from my room upstairs to my kitchen downstairs, my memory had re-written the recipe from 1 quart to 1 pint, 1 Tbsp Seasalt to 2 Tbsp Seasalt, and 1 tsp Baking Soda to 1 tsp Baking Soda (So.....operating at about 33% brain capacity. Nice, right?). I wanted to re-use a 1-quart sweet cream bottle I had cleaned out and taken the label off of, so I decided to DOUBLE my incorrect recipe
. I dissolved 4 Tbsp Sealsalt in 1 cup hot bottled water, and 2 tsp Baking Soda in a separate cup of hot bottled water. Both solutions dissolved clear. I added them together plus 2 cups room temp bottled water, and THEN decided to check the original recipe. Realizing I'm a dumb dumb, I threw it out and started over.
2nd Attempt: Feeling a little rushed to correctly measure before "The Dumb" re-writes my brain code again, I tossed 1 Tbsp Seasalt and 1 tsp Baking Soda in the same 1 cup of hot bottled water. It was cloudy. I added 1 cup of room temp bottled water. It was cloudy. I added 1 cup hot bottled water. It was cloudy. I added the final cup of room temp bottled water. It was cloudy. I stared at the cloudy 4 cups of undissolved solution sitting on the counter for a minute. Then, out of the haze of bewilderment a clear thought revealed itself to me - I'm dumb
3rd Atrempt: At this point, I decided I was done being dumb and dissolved 1 Tbsp Seasalt in 1 cup hot bottled water, 1 tsp Baking Soda in a separate cup of hot bottled water. Low and behold, they were both clear
. I added them together along with 2 cups room temp bottled water, and FINALLY had a successful 3-ingredient simple water-based Faux Seawater solution
@Zany_in_CO thank you for the recipe. I hope you got some laughs. Can't wait to try it out in soap on a fully NO Dumb day
THE STORY: Early this morning, I found ZANY’S NO SLIME OLIVE OIL CASTILE recipe and was intrigued by the Faux Seawater Recipe included in the post. Although I wasn't quite awake yet, I decided a simple 3-ingredient water-base solution didn't require more brain cells than I was currently operating with. Here's how I managed to screw things up TWICE,

1st Attempt: In the time it took me to go from my room upstairs to my kitchen downstairs, my memory had re-written the recipe from 1 quart to 1 pint, 1 Tbsp Seasalt to 2 Tbsp Seasalt, and 1 tsp Baking Soda to 1 tsp Baking Soda (So.....operating at about 33% brain capacity. Nice, right?). I wanted to re-use a 1-quart sweet cream bottle I had cleaned out and taken the label off of, so I decided to DOUBLE my incorrect recipe

2nd Attempt: Feeling a little rushed to correctly measure before "The Dumb" re-writes my brain code again, I tossed 1 Tbsp Seasalt and 1 tsp Baking Soda in the same 1 cup of hot bottled water. It was cloudy. I added 1 cup of room temp bottled water. It was cloudy. I added 1 cup hot bottled water. It was cloudy. I added the final cup of room temp bottled water. It was cloudy. I stared at the cloudy 4 cups of undissolved solution sitting on the counter for a minute. Then, out of the haze of bewilderment a clear thought revealed itself to me - I'm dumb

3rd Atrempt: At this point, I decided I was done being dumb and dissolved 1 Tbsp Seasalt in 1 cup hot bottled water, 1 tsp Baking Soda in a separate cup of hot bottled water. Low and behold, they were both clear

@Zany_in_CO thank you for the recipe. I hope you got some laughs. Can't wait to try it out in soap on a fully NO Dumb day