I have a lot of trouble whenever I use Epsom salts. They draw so much moisture from the air, and that makes my bombs activate, just like yours did.
I've become a huge fan of the Creative Bath Lab recipe from Dora. She lives in Louisiana, with very high humidity. My humidity isn't that high where I live, but her recipe turns out perfectly for me every time, except one day when it was raining (I should have known better). She shares it freely on her YT channel: 1 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup citric acid, 1/4 cup corn starch, 1/2 teaspoon SLSA (optional but makes great foam), 8 milliliters fragrance, 6 milliliters polysorbate 80, 5 milliliters water. You can add mica for color, or liquid dye if you reduce the water accordingly. I converted all that to weights and then percentages so I could scale up and down.
Anyway, removing the Epsom salts really made a difference for me. However, unlike Dora on Creative Bath Lab, I mix all my dry ingredients except the CA. Then I mix all wet ingredients together in a separate container. Then I dump the wet into the dry mix, completely incorporating everything very well, before adding the CA last. It's never activated when I do it that way, and the bombs turn out rock hard.