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    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread Please tell me about salt bars.
      Thank you @DeeAnna . I will do so and practise my "zen attitude" - or hide the soap !
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread Please tell me about salt bars.
      Thank you all for your kind answers ! @ackosel I love the colour of your soap !
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread Please tell me about salt bars.
      Hi ! This thread was so interesting that I got into it straight away. I made a salt bar, which I have tried yesterday after a four week...
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread I'm back!.
      Soooooo happy for you ! Congratulations !!! And what a lovely picture of you both ! Felicitations 🌻 !!
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC reacted to Tara08's post in the thread Surfactants... with Like Like.
      I'm taking it slow, making sure I have things right and that I am happy with it. Sometimes it is hard to stay positive. I catch this...
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread Surfactants....
      Don't despair ! It seems like a moutain from afar, but you can climb it step by step and things get into place slowly. We've all been...
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread Surfactants....
      ;) I know ! I guess we all do the same ! It is a matter of finding what we like to make the best, but also something that is not made by...
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread Surfactants....
      I agree Tara, this forum is such a great source of information. I am only starting my business, and so far I make lotion bars for the...
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread Surfactants....
      Thank you Chelsea, yes it does help :) Let's dive into it !! Thanks
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread Surfactants....
      Thank you Tara08, Humblebee and me is a favourite of course and I will definitely get into her tutorials again to clarify things. Thanks...
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread Surfactants....
      Can you advise on some tutorials using surfactants ?
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread Surfactants....
      SCI SCG is liquid, and I use it now that SCI has been declared not compatible with natural and organic certification. Funny enough, I...
    • CecileBC
      CecileBC replied to the thread Surfactants....
      Hi Tara08, I would also be interested in this issue... I have only tried Sodium Cocoyl glutamate and I have just received a sample of...
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