WooHoo! My dog soap's name is now a registered trademark!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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Got my certificate of registration yesterday for the name of my dog soap, and just HAD to tell someone! I don't know why this thrills me so much; guess life is dull around here!
I haven't. As long as no one takes it as advertising, which I am not! 8)

Poochie 'Poo. How silly is that? Sure sells, though. I'm very pleased with it.
BakingNana said:
I haven't. As long as no one takes it as advertising, which I am not! 8)

Poochie 'Poo. How silly is that? Sure sells, though. I'm very pleased with it.

That is cute! I don't think it's silly at all. It's creative and memorable which is very important in marketing (or so I've heard).

Hey, when you go national, do you mind if I name drop and say I know you? :D
Thanks, all! Hazel, if I have customers on both coasts that order it, does that mean I've gone national? :lol: :lol: :lol:

SoapyD - My dogs both think their names should be trademarked. I keep telling 'em Maggie and Emily are taken! OMG, now I AM getting silly. It's been a long day.
BakingNana said:
Thanks, all! Hazel, if I have customers on both coasts that order it, does that mean I've gone national? :lol: :lol: :lol:

SoapyD - My dogs both think their names should be trademarked. I keep telling 'em Maggie and Emily are taken! OMG, now I AM getting silly. It's been a long day.

Nope...sorry. I meant when I'm walking through a store and I see a display of Poochie 'Poo on an endcap. Then I can scream and say "OMG! I know the woman who makes this shampoo!" :lol:
I know what you meant, Hazel. I was just kidding. The really funny part is that, while most people dream of something like that, I would do everything in my power to avoid it! Otherwise, it would seem like "work" instead of "play." The biggest reason I went for the registered trademark -- there is so much chatter out there on infringing on trademark names that I wanted to protect myself. Ninety-nine percent of the names we use are so generic that trademarking wouldn't be possible, but with a really unique name there's always the chance. It was a very educational process.
I realized you were joking but I still like the idea of being able to scream in a store. :lol:

However, since you've trademarked the name, there's always a chance that another company might want to produce your product for national sales. You could be sitting on a potential goldmine. :wink: