Wilton Icing Coloring?????

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Can you use this to color CP soap? How well would it work? Has anyone done this? Does it turn your skin colors? Is the lather colored? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm
I will be interested to see Amanda's cut photos and if these are viable colors for soaping, that makes coloring very convenient!
If my memory serves me correctly, those cake colours can morph, bleed, and fade in cp soap. Due to the high ph of soap, they are not designed for soapmaking.
Although I have heard that people use them to colour bath bombs/fizzers with no trouble.
Colourants made specifically for CP soap are not all that expensive and a little goes a long way.
I used it to color cp once when I first started soaping and didn't know that it wasn't for cp. It didn't work at all for me. I used the blue color - which may left a barely noticable hint (that only I noticed) in the soap. When I researched my mistake, I believe I read that it can mess up the ph in cp.

I haven't tried it in hp, I supposed it could work fine if you blend it in oil or glycerin and and it at the end. For now, all I do with the box of 8 is color bath bombs with them (and that $10 box of color will last a lifetime). I just dip a toothpick in the jar and stir it around in the witch hazel to spray the ingredients with it.
I have used the Wilton food coloring. When I added it to the soap it would not blend in. I kept trying to get it to blend and it just had little globs through out the soap. The next day when I took it out of the mold, it had turned a pretty pink and had a marbled effect.

I made it about 3 months ago and the soap was wonderful, it does turn my
white wash cloth a light pink color, but it rinses out pretty good.

I would not use the Wilton food coloring if I was going to sell the soap. Just from personal experience I would not want to buy a bar of soap that was going to bleed the color. :lol:
I tried it, and as stated above, it didn't blend into the soap but instead just left little colored specks which rub off on your skin, washcloth, etc. Glad I only made a very small batch.
Did you use the stick blender or just stirring? If you just stirred you wouldn't be able to throughly mix in. I have used it in a pinch just fine. Maybe I am just lucky.
I did not use the stick blender b/c it was starting to thicken too much. I'm hoping when it cures I can at least re-batch it. Right now you can't handle it w/o getting your hands stained.
Tried it in a rebatch way back when, it didn't work well, and stained/bled.
My experience is that these will fade or change because of the batter ph. For your time and money, better off to stick to cp colors. If you're just goofing to see what you get, then by all means!

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