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Sep 19, 2011
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Southern California
Nope, I have yet to settle my mom's estate.

But my house is built, and I just paid off the balance, now I pray the dealer continues to be honest and does not run with my money. I am not sure if I continued the saga that their office mysteriously burnt down about 6 months ago when the investigation started about their stealing customer's money. Yup, all the records are gone. I was wondering why the owner's wife was telling me she did not have my newest copy of the contract, which was before I was informed their office burnt to the ground. Suspected arson... I am pretty lucky out of 28 sales they picked us to actually be honest with.

Sadly, we cannot move due to all the surgeries for my SIL and now my daughter, we cannot finish our property in order to move. My lovely sister still will not sign off on the estate even though I have offered her what she has asked for. She sits in AZ on her backside doing nothing. Yesterday she told me she could not see to read the paperwork due to no contacts. Unbelievable...

Not sure if I mentioned we almost lost my youngest from sepsis. She had a severe sinus infection which was collected under a sinus lift. She had 13 Platelet transfusions and 4 oral surgeries. Her platelet count at one point was down to around 500 and would not come up due to the infection. They had to put in drains to then open up and remove bone, teeth, and tissue. It is a mess. At 42 almost all her teeth and prior implants are gone. We will have to start over for her. They just did a new procedure a Blood Plasma bone graph which was very costly which we are praying takes and heals well. the surgeon and her dentist told us they are having very good luck with this procedure. Her 4 bone graphs last month did not all take. The surgeon says it is her Rheumatoid and Sjogren's just eating up her jaw bone and destroying her teeth.

Sorry everyone for being my sounding board. I will quit with the woes now as I know there are folks much worse off than me. I am just thankful to still have my daughter and we could help both of them. My house will be there when we can finish it. Thanks everyone
I hate to say this @cmzaha but your sister is most likely waiting to see if she can get you to increase your offer to her. We see this all the time in legal disputes, but especially in probate and family law (divorce).

Your best bet is to go all the way to one side or the other:

1. Do nothing. No communication, no more requests, nothing. She needs the money, so if you drop everything, she will get the message that nothing more is forthcoming, and she will eventually sign.


2. Move forward with legal action to have the estate settled in your favor, according to the will and not according to her demands.

Anything in between that (offering a bonus to sign by X date, for instance) just encourages her to continue her bad behavior - like a child who knows they can wait out the parent on discipline. You know her best so you will know which option is most likely to get the faster result.
Carolyn, I am sorry that after all this time you are still dealing with your sister’s unreasonable behavior.

I hope your poor daughter heals well and all goes well with her continued treatment. She has been through so much.

Sending good vibes for all things to be resolved soon and your move ca happen.

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