The guy at the end of the bar not doing so good

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Apr 5, 2018
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Our puppers is 17 and seems to be declining rapidly. Physically he's in good shape but we believe he's got dementia. He did not recognize me yesterday and bit my hand hard -- I have never been in so much pain in my life (including my current broken foot). He almost bit Mrs. Zing too. Today we are having a certain conversation with our vet. He's my first dog I've owned. My heart is breaking. Right now he's doing his daily bathing of the gal at the end of the bar.
I'm so sorry to hear this. The first time you have to make that decision is awful, one of the hardest (yet in some ways clearest) decisions I've ever needed to make. When their quality of life is poor, it's the last act of love you can give them, as much as it breaks your heart to do so.

Sending you all tons of virtual hugs. 💜
I am not getting another dog when I have to face the decisions at the end. Every body cries. The older I get, the harder it is on me. I even enjoy my chickens except for decisions at the end. Think I am just going to stick with a tv for company from that point on.
Oh Zing, I'm so sorry. 17 years is a good, long life, but it doesn't make it any easier. We had to put our dog down 2 years ago, and I literally wept for weeks (before and after.) Thinking of you and your family.

@gww I feel like it is honoring those pets we have lost to adopt new ones and give them the love and life that they deserve even though it is so devastating to lose them.
I can look up to your view but since I retired from work, I have been running as fast as possible from taking on any new responsibilities. I might be getting to the point where the pet would have to grieve over me before I have to grieve over it. I may just be selfish but I can agree with your position as being probably better then mine.
I can look up to your view but since I retired from work, I have been running as fast as possible from taking on any new responsibilities. I might be getting to the point where the pet would have to grieve over me before I have to grieve over it. I may just be selfish but I can agree with your position as being probably better then mine.
I totally get it. We have had 2 dogs for as long as I can remember, but since our dog died 2 years ago we have only had 1. My son has been begging for another dog, but I am not ready for that extra responsibility. We will probably get a rescue dog this summer.
@Zing I’m sorry you and Mrs. Zing are having to face this. It truly is one of the hardest things in life. It sounds like you have a good chance of getting more time with your sweet boy. I hope the meds help. Thinking of you.
We talked to a friend tonight who has had several dogs. She said several really helpful things. One, we may feel simultaneously guilty for two things -- did we wait too long and did we act too soon. Two, saying goodbye after 17 years is way different compared to a tragic death at a young age. And three, it's the price we pay for adopting them. Much food for thought. These dear creatures are so little and take up so much room in our hearts and home.
Thanks everyone -- appreciate the support.
Heart is breaking for you @Zing. My last dog lived to 16 and he also had dementia. SamE really helped him. Not sure if that is the technical or brand name. (Its been nearly 12 years since I lost him. How is Gus 11?!!) Not sure what the vet gave you but some of the dementia meds can be life changing.
My heart is bleeding for you right now. As you probably know I lost my pupster a couple of months ago, and my cat about two years ago.

I didn't have to make a decision on the dog thankfully. I let her pass in the comfort of her bed. But I had to make the heart-wrenching decision on Sophie, who I enjoyed 12 years with since she was 4 weeks old. It was painful, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

Money was a big part of it too. But they said she would need dialysis etc because her kidneys shut down. I still have no idea why, because she was fine and active just days earlier. I just could not see a quality of life for her for my own selfishness by keeping her around, at a very high cost.

I will be keeping you and Mrs Zing in my thoughts.
I’ve had to say goodbye to a few of my fur babies…Buttons, Patches and Dora. It doesn’t get easier. But I could give them no less than what they gave me, their trust and unconditional love. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your wife and your puppers.
Zing, I am sorry to hear that your dog is doing poorly. Our grief is payment for all the years of love and joy they gave us. I hope the medication works and gives you extra time.
Our puppers is 17 and seems to be declining rapidly. Physically he's in good shape but we believe he's got dementia. He did not recognize me yesterday and bit my hand hard -- I have never been in so much pain in my life (including my current broken foot). He almost bit Mrs. Zing too.

I just went through onset of cognitive dysfunction disorder with my 11 yo. It started slow and I didn't pick up on symptoms right away as we lost her littermate sister last Feb and then she shredded her knee a couple months later so she was dealing with surgery and rehab and the new family member we added. (The house was too quiet with just 3 dogs?!!) I started her on sam-e. If you google you can get the full name. I got mine at Amazon but I believe it's also in a supplement you can get from your vet. The difference in her was dramatic, and we saw the change immediately, with continued improvement over the next month. She's been acting like a freaking puppy. I hope the supplements your vet suggested help. I consider old dogs a privledge but it's so hard on us at the same time.