Do you ever get the feeling like fate thinks it's funny to toy with you?

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Jan 6, 2020
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Louisiana, USA
Every time something truly good happens, it's like there's always a price to pay for it. And it happens immediately.

About three weeks ago, my husband was offered a great job for 20k more a year with excellent benefits. Then three days into the job he gets shingles and we end up in the hospital twice in two weeks. Now he's recovering slowly and back to work but he's in pain and itches.

Then Wednesday I go to a popup market for an event and we get hit by torrential rain with a massive puddle developing at the back side of my spot. My cart tips over and about a third of my product is now either destroyed or needs complete repackaging along with a non-waterproof duffle bag full of things like the electric light I use for evening markets gets covered completely with water. Basically nearly everything I had is soaked (including me at the time)

And then it starts to leak inside the house near the main AC from the roof. We get a repair guy over who says he managed to temporarily fix it but the pipes in the house are muddy and clogged and we need to get someone over to clean the whole plumbing of the house and to do it fairly soon or we will have a bigger problem.

This happens every single time something fairly big but good happens. Like when we bought our house. We move in and suddenly, money and job problems almost instantly. New car? The stupid water heating in the CEILING breaks down leaking into the house and destroying the ceiling in two rooms, then almost right after we have to get a new AC unit because it decided to quit working. Both those things are in the past but sometimes it really feels like fate thinks it's incredibly funny to make us pay heavily for anything good that might happen. And it's not like these things wait to happen either, they usually all happen within a week of the good thing happening.
I think sometimes the gods just get bored and need to amuse themselves at our expense. Here's hoping things turn around for you and you have a streak of all good stuff with no surprise endings!
Now he's recovering slowly and back to work but he's in pain and itches.
A friend is going through this and her doctor recommended a CBD oil or lotion.

But I know what you mean. Somedays it just doesn't pay to get out of take two steps forward only to get knocked three steps backwards.
Life is much more difficult for some of us, than most of us ever experience. Am going to give an opinion here that may be controversial. If you have ever been having a terrific day, feeling great, all is well then you spend a few minutes with another person and walk away completely drained and feeling like you need a will have experienced energetic changes. Some believe (I do) that energy is "sticky" and it can remain stuck in places, unseen but not unfelt. Energy to me is like cobwebs that need to be cleared away when moving into a new space. My recommendation would be to energy clear your home and all areas where you work. You can energy clear your car as well. It's easily done. Pick a day when you can open a few windows. A quiet time with a bit of privacy is also good to have. Grab a small bell, or a crystal glass, or simply use your voice. Walking through the space ring the bell, or wet your index finger and use it around the edge of the crystal glass to make a lovely sound, or chant sing or hum your way though your entire space. Pay attention to what you feel as you move through the space. Some areas may feel quite sluggish while others are much better. Take your time and be relaxed. For more on energy clearing I love the book by Denise Linn "Sacred Space." The techniques mentioned above are from her book.
And if you want to meet your angel guides who can also help you with everything, there is a very good book by Sonia Choquette "Ask Your Guides." Was fortunate to have a class with Sonia when she was living in Chicago. It changed my life for the better.
Hope this is helpful. Lots of us have been through very trying times where it seems that the negative experiences far outweigh the positive ones. Energy clearing and getting to know my angel guides have both been very helpful for me. Hopefully you might find this helpful too.
Life is much more difficult for some of us, than most of us ever experience. Am going to give an opinion here that may be controversial. If you have ever been having a terrific day, feeling great, all is well then you spend a few minutes with another person and walk away completely drained and feeling like you need a will have experienced energetic changes. Some believe (I do) that energy is "sticky" and it can remain stuck in places, unseen but not unfelt. Energy to me is like cobwebs that need to be cleared away when moving into a new space. My recommendation would be to energy clear your home and all areas where you work. You can energy clear your car as well. It's easily done. Pick a day when you can open a few windows. A quiet time with a bit of privacy is also good to have. Grab a small bell, or a crystal glass, or simply use your voice. Walking through the space ring the bell, or wet your index finger and use it around the edge of the crystal glass to make a lovely sound, or chant sing or hum your way though your entire space. Pay attention to what you feel as you move through the space. Some areas may feel quite sluggish while others are much better. Take your time and be relaxed. For more on energy clearing I love the book by Denise Linn "Sacred Space." The techniques mentioned above are from her book.
And if you want to meet your angel guides who can also help you with everything, there is a very good book by Sonia Choquette "Ask Your Guides." Was fortunate to have a class with Sonia when she was living in Chicago. It changed my life for the better.
Hope this is helpful. Lots of us have been through very trying times where it seems that the negative experiences far outweigh the positive ones. Energy clearing and getting to know my angel guides have both been very helpful for me. Hopefully you might find this helpful too.
I don't usually talk about this stuff on business forums lol.

I often put a circle around my house to push anything out that's already inside. I renew it every couple months or so. And I wear a black tourmaline ring to help with it too. It seems to help keep bad spirits away, but other stuff happens anyway. It's frustrating. Our house was clear when we bought it or I wouldn't have agreed to the purchase. I had major surgery 6 years ago and I think I brought something back from the hospital with me (I've always been afraid that would happen). Since then both my husband and I have seen fleeting shadows throughout the house. My husband says he saw a shadow man in the living room one night which I haven't seen since my early 20's (over 20 years ago now). And I saw a bad spirit in our front room one night that I had to force out. It's hard to explain but spirits have an energy about them. It's a very heavy feeling. It's almost made me feel sick before. I think my cat is here, I've heard her meowing and sometimes think I see her scratching or her ear flick out of the corner of my eye. I've even though I've seen her little eyes poke over the side of the couch a few times like she used to when she was about to jump. My husband has said he thinks he has too.

Anyway, I didn't think I'd come here to talk about this stuff. People tend to think you are very weird when you mention it. I've experienced spirits my whole life. Usually it's annoying.
A friend is going through this and her doctor recommended a CBD oil or lotion.

But I know what you mean. Somedays it just doesn't pay to get out of take two steps forward only to get knocked three steps backwards.
He can't use cbd around me. Unfortunately, I am severely allergic (as in I have a built in detector that causes my throat to slowly close) to something in the hemp family. We don't know what it is and haven't had the money to find out. So him using it is not really the best idea since the allergy seems to be to something airborne. It's one of the many reasons I left the hotel industry, I was tired of constantly having to take benedryl to get through my day since everyone thinks it's just fine to smoke it.
Yeah, I feel that way all the time

I don't usually talk about this stuff on business forums lol.

I often put a circle around my house to push anything out that's already inside. I renew it every couple months or so. And I wear a black tourmaline ring to help with it too. It seems to help keep bad spirits away, but other stuff happens anyway. It's frustrating. Our house was clear when we bought it or I wouldn't have agreed to the purchase. I had major surgery 6 years ago and I think I brought something back from the hospital with me (I've always been afraid that would happen). Since then both my husband and I have seen fleeting shadows throughout the house. My husband says he saw a shadow man in the living room one night which I haven't seen since my early 20's (over 20 years ago now). And I saw a bad spirit in our front room one night that I had to force out. It's hard to explain but spirits have an energy about them. It's a very heavy feeling. It's almost made me feel sick before. I think my cat is here, I've heard her meowing and sometimes think I see her scratching or her ear flick out of the corner of my eye. I've even though I've seen her little eyes poke over the side of the couch a few times like she used to when she was about to jump. My husband has said he thinks he has too.

Anyway, I didn't think I'd come here to talk about this stuff. People tend to think you are very weird when you mention it. I've experienced spirits my whole life. Usually it's annoying.

He can't use cbd around me. Unfortunately, I am severely allergic (as in I have a built in detector that causes my throat to slowly close) to something in the hemp family. We don't know what it is and haven't had the money to find out. So him using it is not really the best idea since the allergy seems to be to something airborne. It's one of the many reasons I left the hotel industry, I was tired of constantly having to take benedryl to get through my day since everyone thinks it's just fine to smoke it.
It is difficult to discuss yes. Thank you for sharing. It seems important at this somewhat stressful time to offer support and care to others. Have seen the fleeting shadows as well. Work in real estate and have personally seen them in two houses. Pets yes they do visit us in spirit I agree.

Hemp allergy could mean you should be cautious with fruits as well.

Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander is a good read.
It is difficult to discuss yes. Thank you for sharing. It seems important at this somewhat stressful time to offer support and care to others. Have seen the fleeting shadows as well. Work in real estate and have personally seen them in two houses. Pets yes they do visit us in spirit I agree.

Hemp allergy could mean you should be cautious with fruits as well.

Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander is a good read.
I don't know what the shadows are. Sometimes they are human-sized but usually smaller. Sometimes much smaller. Like, crawling up a chair leg or something. It's really weird. I actually wondered if I was crazy or there was something wrong with my eyes for a while. Until other people said they've seen them too. What's odd is how common it has become to talk about seeing the shadow man. I've seen three different shadow people in my life. Two of them wore a hat and the other was a woman. I don't know what they are. The first one was always a surprise. The second was sitting on my bed and unexpected so I simply backed out of the room and didn't go back a while (that was the woman). The third was a quick glimpse in a mirror. None of them scared me, just surprised me. The little ones bug me though. You'd think they were bugs but they're too big to be bugs.

Not sure about the hemp thing. There are very few fruits I don't like but maybe those ones I don't like are ones I don't like for a reason and I don't consciously think about it. It's the whole hemp family though, not just the drug. But it's at its worst if it's airborne. It was a very difficult thing for me when I worked in the hotel industry.

I don't read religious books, thanks though.
I used to encounter spirits in every house I lived, and they behaved differently in each house so I wasn't just being followed when I moved. I have wayyyyy too many stories that can't be explained away as my imagination. They were never really scary (my cats didn't agree with that though) but they definitely made sure I was aware that they were around. I have two children, the first born (my daughter) wasn't really aware of them, other than maybe when she was under a year and would smile and giggle at empty air. My son was VERY aware of them, even more so than I was. Because he was young, he often found them very unsettling, especially when he was in his room trying to sleep. One day I was watching Montel Williams, and Sylvia Browne was on (I always thought she was hokey and fake tbh) and she mentioned some simple little protection "spell". That night just to see, I decided to say it, without telling anyone as I felt a little foolish. My son had a great sleep as no one came to "visit" which was the first time in years. I would repeat it every few weeks for awhile, just to keep it going. Its been over 15 years now and neither of us have had anything more than maybe seeing something out of the corner of your eye thing. The sad part of it is, he and I were both very "intuitive" before and that has pretty much disappeared too. I miss that. He says that he will still pick stuff up when he goes to other houses, but not ours.
(Jenna here)

I am brand new to the forum and this is only my second post, so this might sound EXTRA weird because this is like a first impression situation, but I also wanted to mention that yeah, you can have negative stuff attached to you like cobwebs... I had someone in my past who literally for real, did negative spellwork against my family and I. Just brought all sorts of bad stuff down on us, every single day, every single little thing would go wrong, and then big stuff like you have had on top of it... Horrendous. We had to do a full spiritual cleansing of our home, a full banishing ritual, and I'm still supposed to go and have ties fully severed by a shaman... It sounds kooky as hell to say the stuff out loud to strangers on the internet but there is some truth there! The cleansing and banishing worked very well for us! You don't have to have an actual person to banish from your life for it to work either, you can banish bad energy itself... If you want anymore info, feel free to PM me!
I hope things look up for you guys soon, I've been living your kind of life for most of my life, and it's utterly soul sucking and exhausting, I'm still waiting for things to get 100% better, but it's moving in the right direction! ((hugs))
I used to encounter spirits in every house I lived, and they behaved differently in each house so I wasn't just being followed when I moved. I have wayyyyy too many stories that can't be explained away as my imagination. They were never really scary (my cats didn't agree with that though) but they definitely made sure I was aware that they were around. I have two children, the first born (my daughter) wasn't really aware of them, other than maybe when she was under a year and would smile and giggle at empty air. My son was VERY aware of them, even more so than I was. Because he was young, he often found them very unsettling, especially when he was in his room trying to sleep. One day I was watching Montel Williams, and Sylvia Browne was on (I always thought she was hokey and fake tbh) and she mentioned some simple little protection "spell". That night just to see, I decided to say it, without telling anyone as I felt a little foolish. My son had a great sleep as no one came to "visit" which was the first time in years. I would repeat it every few weeks for awhile, just to keep it going. Its been over 15 years now and neither of us have had anything more than maybe seeing something out of the corner of your eye thing. The sad part of it is, he and I were both very "intuitive" before and that has pretty much disappeared too. I miss that. He says that he will still pick stuff up when he goes to other houses, but not ours.
You could just cast a circle. That won't cut you off but it will keep negative spirits away.
(Jenna here)

I am brand new to the forum and this is only my second post, so this might sound EXTRA weird because this is like a first impression situation, but I also wanted to mention that yeah, you can have negative stuff attached to you like cobwebs... I had someone in my past who literally for real, did negative spellwork against my family and I. Just brought all sorts of bad stuff down on us, every single day, every single little thing would go wrong, and then big stuff like you have had on top of it... Horrendous. We had to do a full spiritual cleansing of our home, a full banishing ritual, and I'm still supposed to go and have ties fully severed by a shaman... It sounds kooky as hell to say the stuff out loud to strangers on the internet but there is some truth there! The cleansing and banishing worked very well for us! You don't have to have an actual person to banish from your life for it to work either, you can banish bad energy itself... If you want anymore info, feel free to PM me!
I hope things look up for you guys soon, I've been living your kind of life for most of my life, and it's utterly soul sucking and exhausting, I'm still waiting for things to get 100% better, but it's moving in the right direction! ((hugs))
Sounds like a very powerful person. Or there's an opening somewhere.

Things aren't as bad as they were. I've just noticed that every time something good happens, there seems to always be a price to pay before we can settle down to normal. We're just lucky no one died.

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