The Biggest Compliment Ever!!

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good for you chrissy!

isn't it amazing how a few kind words minimizes all the kaos, flops and stress of the past?

congrats on the g/m, too! i just love the stuff!
I have a friend who's doctor has told her that she shouldn't use anything but Dove - I sent her some soap and suggested she try it.....she likes it, but needs (?) to see if this is okay with her doctor despite how much she liked the feel. It may not be safe you know!!!!

Ah well....some people depend too much on white coat opinions. She has excema (sp).....I guess in all fairness I have to understand that her skin can get really uncomfortable so she does need to be careful. Hopefully once her doctor looks at the ingredient list he'll tell her it's actually as good for her as we know it to be.....sheesh
Congratulation, that is one great compliment!!!!!

Corrie, I cannot get my man to use my soap either. He uses a drying over the counter blue/green soap (tee hee, I won't mention the brand) and complains of itchy skin. Yet, he does promote my soap to everyone else.

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