Shampoo Bar - Thanks Lindy!!

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Julie thank you so much for providing me with the exact recipe you used for the shampoo bar.

Your recipe had 2% more lye than mine and 25% less water than mine.

Now everything is clear regarding my failure in this batch.

I still cannot understand why my soap calculator fails in this particular recipe. I have done dozens of batches and it didn’t failed once. In this recipe it insists on giving me wrong amounts of lye and water. :problem:
Maybe it is the percentage of superfat? I use Summerbeemeadow lye calculator and it has the section that will recalculate your recipe to fit your mold. Has been very helpful and simple for me
Superfat percentage was also 8% in my first and failed batch.

After seeing the recipe you mailed me, I repeated mine with 2% more lye and 24% less water.
It came out perfect.

I will let it cure for about a month, time to finish my comercial shampoo, and then I will give it a try.

I will wait until Christmas for the first batch. If it dries outs and hardens a lot I will use it, if not I will throw it away.

Thanks again Julie. I wouldn't have made it without your help!
Just tried out my shampoo bar this morning. So far so good :)
Didn't use any conditioner or acv. Hair is soft but I can't say much else since I didn't do much with it today.
Thanks for sharing!! :p
Superfat percentage was also 8% in my first and failed batch.

After seeing the recipe you mailed me, I repeated mine with 2% more lye and 24% less water.
It came out perfect.

I will let it cure for about a month, time to finish my comercial shampoo, and then I will give it a try.

I will wait until Christmas for the first batch. If it dries outs and hardens a lot I will use it, if not I will throw it away.

Thanks again Julie. I wouldn't have made it without your help!

So glad to hear that. I find my hair so manageable using this recipe. Next week I will be able to make more. I am down to two bars. Let me know how you like it.
"...recommended amount is 1TBSP per ounce of oil...."

InnerDiva -- Do you mean per OUNCE or per POUND? Per ounce is a lot of sodium lactate!
"...recommended amount is 1TBSP per ounce of oil...."

InnerDiva -- Do you mean per OUNCE or per POUND? Per ounce is a lot of sodium lactate!

Usage rate: .5% - 4%, or 1 tsp per pound of oils.
Sorry for the typo. I meant Teaspoon per pound of oil!!
Just saw this. No my bar was very hard. I do use a water discount in every soap I make though. Whatever amt of lye I use I only double the oz. for water. I am about to make another batch next week. I will be glad to pm you the recipe tomorrow I use for a 3 lb batch I use if you want. Just let me know. I am going to be gone all day today and need to get off the pc and get going

could i also get the recipe please? :)
I know I am (very, very) late to this party, but I'm wondering if anyone has experience in how Genny's original recipe does with color-treated hair? I have chin-length, fine, thick hair that I color red and it fades incredibly quickly. I'm always trying to minimize fading to the color and have been using commercial products designed to minimize color loss, but they're expensive. I wouldn't think a CP shampoo bar would do too much damage to color if it's properly saponified, as there are so many fewer chemicals in the formulation, but I don't really know.

I read through the response and didn't see much about this - just a couple people mentioned it in passing - so I apologize if it's already been addressed and I missed it.

Thanks in advance.

ETA: This thread has been great; it's so helpful and educational to someone just starting off.
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Another late comer here, but has anyone with straight, oily blonde hair used this recipe with success? I also read on another thread where rosemary eo works wonders at hair growth.
Think I might try the basic recipe tomorrow.

Thanks for sharing this thread Genny.

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I've been using Genny's recipe for about a month now. I recently colored my blond hair a dark auburn and now, roughly 2 weeks later, it has faded considerably. The red is going the fastest but the dark brown is also slowing fading. My hair doesn't hold color well, especially red but its fading faster with the shampoo bar then with regular shampoo.
I use a recipe for a henna shampoo bar that I developed myself, and my hair color also fades faster than with commercial/salon shampoos ..... So it seems that the chemicals that we're trying to live without really do prevent the loss of color! Ah well, my hair feels lovely and I feel good about not contributing to the plastic in need of recycling.

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The Shampoo bar I make - I use Beer instead of Water, I use Egg Yolk, I do not Superfat the recipe when I run it through Soap Calc, but I do add Jojoba Oil at trace, as a superfat. I also use Cocoa butter in my recipe and alot of Olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil and palm oil. Rosemary and Patchouli EO for scent. It is AWESOME stuff.

I also notice less hair loss and I had a customer (a male) tell me that he has noticed his hair getting fuller. It also smells, divine.
I just made Genny' s shampoo bar this morning. Ended up using sweet almond oil instead of avocado, since I didn't have it. Also used tea tree, chamomile and mallow eo' s. Think I might skip the tea tree next time. That stuff sinks! I only used 15 grams for my one pound batch, but the whole house reeks now. Bleh! Also ran out of boxes, so I used my cupcake baking sheet with paper liners. Hope they come out OK.

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I can't stand tea tree oil either but my daughter likes it in soap. I made another batch of shampoo bars a couple day ago and used frankincense and myrrh. My first batch was unscented and I will most likely make unscented in the future.
Hope you like using shampoo bars. It took awhile to get used to but I like them now. I did experience some unexpected "side effects" My slightly curly hair has gotten a ton more body, and my oily, itchy scalp has cleared up.
I've been using Genny's recipe for about a month now. I recently colored my blond hair a dark auburn and now, roughly 2 weeks later, it has faded considerably. The red is going the fastest but the dark brown is also slowing fading. My hair doesn't hold color well, especially red but its fading faster with the shampoo bar then with regular shampoo.

This was my wife's concern about using my shampoo bar. Guess I will tell her not to use it :).
Obsidian, I too have oily hair, but stick straight. Looks nasty when it gets even a little oily. I have been trying the no poo method with baking soda and acv, but I usually break down every few days to use commercial shampoo. My hair just gets oily and dirty, no matter how well I massage the stuff in. Keeping my fingers crossed that this stuff will work better.
Glad I'm not the only one who hates the tea tree oil.

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My daughter also has straight hair and tried the baking soda method for awhile. Her hair became really oily and smelled terrible, glad she started using shampoo again.
I too color my hair red, but unlike others, I have not experienced if fading any faster, in fact it seems to fade slower for me. I had shoulder length curly hair that had been very dry when I started using this recipe in Feb. It had been damaged when someone burned my hair when it was dyed and the expensive salon stuff seemed to make it worse not better. Anyway, I had it cut 2 months ago and the lady doing is said only the ends were still dry, unlike before when everything was dry. So I had her cut off all the dry part and my curls are back. YAH! It's soft again, and curly. I just made another batch that I will let cure until I need it, probably in 4-6 months. I find I don't need to wash nearly as often as I always have before, it actually looks good if I just rinse and put a bit of conditioner on in the shower on the days I don't shampoo.