Sad day, i guess i need to make a decision

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Jun 8, 2020
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Sorry, i didnt know what else to name the title.

A year ago, almost exactly, my boss called me and asked me to take in her friends 13 y/o dog. Its her best friends dog, who was going into hospice for brain cancer. Carol couldnt take her because she has 4dogs and tried, and they didnt get along.

I really have no experience with dogs. At the time, my best friend just died, and apparently she loved my cat so much, she took Sophie with her two weeks later. I was reluctant to take the dog, but didnt want her in a shelter, so i became Abbys mom.

She is a deaf, older Catahoula. Only 45 lbs when i got her, but i fixed that lol.

she is such a good dog. Follows me everywhere, gets along with the cat, and wants to make friends with every dog and child in the neighborhood. For me she is perfect...shes already a “done dog” lol. No training needed. She learns hand signals and knows “mom face”. I even taught her how to sit for a treat, which i dunno why she didnt know this before, or maybe she did and just needed a refresher course, but im gonna take credit for it anyway.

This morning she followed me to the bathroom as usual (apparently i must have a secret back door that shes afraid i will escape from). i went back to bed, and she went back to her bed on the floor next to mine. But she was restless and kept getting up and sniffing the bathroom door, like she does when waiting for me. Went back to her bed and kept repeating the cycle. I thought she was sleepwalking or something cause she did it over and over.

So i got up to let her know where i was, and she just leaned on me. I gave her a good scratch down and directed her back to bed. She couldnt walk. Her whole right side is gone and her left eye is crazily going back and forth, like vertigo, but one eye is completely still. She is having a stroke. I work in a neuro science hospital, i am trained in stroke, maybe not for dogs...but this is a stroke without a doubt.

By that point I had to get ready for work. I put her bed in the bathroom and got her in there to lay down, shut the light off and closed the door, after i took a video of her.

I texted my boss that i was running a little late because something was wrong with Abby. She stayed and worked my shift and sent me home after watching my video.

Abby is sleeping comfortably right now on her bed. I dont want to disturb her because everytime i go in there she is happy to see me and tries to get up.

I know I am being selfish, but i know that if i take her to the vet, i am coming home without my dog. I cant even pick her up now by myself. So i called my friend, who is at work and he will be here in an hour or so. He seems to think i should give it a day or two, the selfish part of my brain thinks that gives me hope...only hearing what i want to hear.

I just got off the phone with my boss, and she said i need to let her go. I just dont know if i can do it. She is also emotionally attached to was her friends dog and thanked me for being a good mommy.

So of course over the last hour or so i became a google veterinarian. And all the symptoms are real. But most of the sites say that dogs recover much better than ppl. That theres no treatment for dogs, its a wait and see game over the next few weeks.

I guess the real decision will be made when John gets here.
Sorry to hear about your dog's stroke. I know it is really hard to see a beloved pet suffer.
Oh, our precious beasts. I'm so very sorry to read about this, Kim. I'm not in anyway trying to influence your decision, but a lot of vets will help with "rainbow bridge" situations, as well as general older dog problems, with a house call. A little easier on the beloved pet and the owner. I'll have you and Abby in my thoughts.
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How wonderful that you two found each other. It's a terrible decision to have to make, having done it myself more than once. I second KimW about the help of a good veteranarian.
Abby has a 7am appt tomorrow. Without telling them my opinion on what i think is wrong with her, they believe she had a stroke.

Pretty sure i am coming home without my dog tomorrow.
I’m so sorry Kim. I understand how you must feel having been there myself. I know that doesn’t help, but I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow.
I'm so sorry. It's always heartbreaking. It helps me to think about what is best for the dog, not what I want to be best. It doesn't make it easier, but does help to know you are doing the right thing for them. After all they give to us, they deserve to have us make the best decisions for them. I've seen two close family members keep their dogs alive way longer than they should have, and it was so sad. I will be thinking of you and your sweet girl.
I'm so sorry. It's always heartbreaking. It helps me to think about what is best for the dog, not what I want to be best. It doesn't make it easier, but does help to know you are doing the right thing for them. After all they give to us, they deserve to have us make the best decisions for them. I've seen two close family members keep their dogs alive way longer than they should have, and it was so sad. I will be thinking of you and your sweet girl.
❤️ I think i just needed her over night tonight. I dont think that was too much to ask of her. She doesnt seem to mind.
It is never easy to let a fur baby go...Patches had a stroke, Dora had heart disease. I cried my heart out both times. It wasn’t easy, but I had to be there for them as they had been there for me. Prayers for you and your fur baby.
My cat Sophie last year. She was great and playing one day, then in kidney failure the next. Im sure it wasnt just the next day, cats can hide things very well. I took her to the vet and they said to leave her overnight for tests. NOOOO. Then they said to bring her back the next day and i could stay with her for her tests. ”sooo, if it was my cat...” she said.

I know what kidney function tests look like, its part of my job. She said her creat was 24. Im like 2.4? No 24. I made them rerun it. Didnt even make sense to me. Second test was 27, after hydration....totally no sense in that. I already suspected kidney failure, but those labs were crazy, and the vet agreed. Ran a third time, again 24, same as the first. Depending on the lab/machine, normal values can go from highs of 0.9-1.9. 2.4 would be kidney failure. So 24 blew my mind and had it run 3 times.

Stroke is my job. I am a ct tech in a comprehensive stroke hospital. Been here for 5 years, and at another for 6. If this was a PERSON, which she is to me, there would be treatments.

im not on a soap box, i just have nothing really to do while i wait with abby to go tomorrow.

Too much in one year for me to handle.
Sorry, i didnt know what else to name the title.

A year ago, almost exactly, my boss called me and asked me to take in her friends 13 y/o dog. Its her best friends dog, who was going into hospice for brain cancer. Carol couldnt take her because she has 4dogs and tried, and they didnt get along.

I really have no experience with dogs. At the time, my best friend just died, and apparently she loved my cat so much, she took Sophie with her two weeks later. I was reluctant to take the dog, but didnt want her in a shelter, so i became Abbys mom.

She is a deaf, older Catahoula. Only 45 lbs when i got her, but i fixed that lol.

she is such a good dog. Follows me everywhere, gets along with the cat, and wants to make friends with every dog and child in the neighborhood. For me she is perfect...shes already a “done dog” lol. No training needed. She learns hand signals and knows “mom face”. I even taught her how to sit for a treat, which i dunno why she didnt know this before, or maybe she did and just needed a refresher course, but im gonna take credit for it anyway.

This morning she followed me to the bathroom as usual (apparently i must have a secret back door that shes afraid i will escape from). i went back to bed, and she went back to her bed on the floor next to mine. But she was restless and kept getting up and sniffing the bathroom door, like she does when waiting for me. Went back to her bed and kept repeating the cycle. I thought she was sleepwalking or something cause she did it over and over.

So i got up to let her know where i was, and she just leaned on me. I gave her a good scratch down and directed her back to bed. She couldnt walk. Her whole right side is gone and her left eye is crazily going back and forth, like vertigo, but one eye is completely still. She is having a stroke. I work in a neuro science hospital, i am trained in stroke, maybe not for dogs...but this is a stroke without a doubt.

By that point I had to get ready for work. I put her bed in the bathroom and got her in there to lay down, shut the light off and closed the door, after i took a video of her.

I texted my boss that i was running a little late because something was wrong with Abby. She stayed and worked my shift and sent me home after watching my video.

Abby is sleeping comfortably right now on her bed. I dont want to disturb her because everytime i go in there she is happy to see me and tries to get up.

I know I am being selfish, but i know that if i take her to the vet, i am coming home without my dog. I cant even pick her up now by myself. So i called my friend, who is at work and he will be here in an hour or so. He seems to think i should give it a day or two, the selfish part of my brain thinks that gives me hope...only hearing what i want to hear.

I just got off the phone with my boss, and she said i need to let her go. I just dont know if i can do it. She is also emotionally attached to was her friends dog and thanked me for being a good mommy.

So of course over the last hour or so i became a google veterinarian. And all the symptoms are real. But most of the sites say that dogs recover much better than ppl. That theres no treatment for dogs, its a wait and see game over the next few weeks.

I guess the real decision will be made when John gets here.
Im so sorry' I hope your fur baby pulls through' Hugs Dear 🤗😢.
She is drinking water, which she hasnt done all day. I made a dixie cup funnel and started pouring it little by little into her mouth, which was a struggle cause she resisted. But once i got a little in i guess she realized she was thirsty and started licking the dixie cup, so i kept filling it for her and she kept drinking.

so next i grabbed a gollup of cheeze wiz on a spoon, and she ate that up. Another glob of cheese and held it over her water bowl and she was lapping them both up at the same time.

However, never attempting to stand, and both eyes are all crazy looking. If i have one glimmer of hope im gonna run with it. Still taking her to the vet at 7. I am sure im not gonna sleep before that.
She is drinking water, which she hasnt done all day. I made a dixie cup funnel and started pouring it little by little into her mouth, which was a struggle cause she resisted. But once i got a little in i guess she realized she was thirsty and started licking the dixie cup, so i kept filling it for her and she kept drinking.

so next i grabbed a gollup of cheeze wiz on a spoon, and she ate that up. Another glob of cheese and held it over her water bowl and she was lapping them both up at the same time.

However, never attempting to stand, and both eyes are all crazy looking. If i have one glimmer of hope im gonna run with it. Still taking her to the vet at 7. I am sure im not gonna sleep before that.
Glad shes drank & ate some' thats a good sign, Hopefully you'll have more time. 🤗💫
Obviously follow your vet's advice and professional opinion.....but my cousin's dog went through something similar last year. Also an older dog. He is still alive now and recovered considerably. I can ask her more details tomorrow as she is asleep now (as should I be) to refresh myself on what exactly he went through. I remember her thinking he had a stroke and her being devastated thinking he would not live much longer. Do not let this affect your decision tomorrow as it may have been something other than what your dog is experiencing. You and your vet will know the best course to take but hopefully you will have more time with her!
sending you and Abby love and hugs. You and she have had a wonderful life together. Get all the info you can from the vet before you make a decision. It's hard to let go of our cherished companions, I think the most important thing is that she not suffer. If the vet thinks she has a chance for recovery and is not suffering or in pain, you may find you have more time with her.

just know that whatever you decide, it will be the right decision for both of you.
Vet said shes not ruling out a stroke, but gave her meds for vertigo. Said its more common in older dogs than stroke is. She said that as soon as she saw abby she was 99% sure of it and it should clear up in a few days. If not then she will revisit stroke.

we just got home. She got a shot of the vertigo meds at the office and i have pills to give after. She already seems a little better... walking around like a drunk dog. She keeps walking in circles to the right. But at least she is walking, yesterday she wasnt.

And she got a pedicure while she was there lol. The office fell in love with her

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