Pretty sure this is going to go on everyone's "to make" list

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Hahahaha! Lord above. I tried to pour green through to make it look like a stem but them realized it probably didn't got through, so I put the swirler through (crookedly apparently) The background is supposed to be a beautiful delicate purple but it just looks kind of purple gray. Not bad for a first go but it definitely needs work.


I was going to try it today, but got busy. maybe I will soon.....
I love the colour choice newbie and the green did go down the middle, it just all went a little off centre. I'm sure you could perfect it for next time. My swirling skills are non existent so I am still impressed!!!
I failed at this today also!! Haha! Will see what turns out inside tomorrow but I know for sure it's no feather. next time I'll be smart enough to split the batch into 3 equal parts after pouring the base color. Then split the colors from one of those. Today I ended up with too much color and not enough white. And it was way too thick by the time I tried to remove the dividers. Lol I had a mess!! Hats off to Handmade in Florida!!
I tried this today too, and....I think I failed. my batter went from emulsion to thick trace REALLY quickly sitting around, and the colours didn't turn out the way I wanted to (I did 2 other colours than plain, I wanted something more simple). I think it's the pomace OO. I'm not a fan. too bad I bought another huge jug of it, so I have to deal with that until it's done. sigh. will post cut when it's hard enough to do so.

Krazekelly, I also had more colour than plain batter...... I had to spoon plop the rest on top.

this may take a few tries.....
neeners, canola is a slow tracing oil. i made sure to use canola every time i'm doing designs that need a bit of time.
thanks for the tip, but canola's on my "no go" list....I don't deal with anything with the remote possibility of GMO. i'll have to try another time with regular OO and not pomace. I remember when I used regular OO, emulsion would take hang on for a while and at least head to light trace vs going STRAIGHT to thick thick trace. lol. i'll just stick with less complicated swirls until my pomace is gone I guess....

ok, I just cut mine. I'm surprised at how well it turned out. BUT......there are lye streaks in it. first time soap with lye streaks!!! so even though they're pretty, I have to REBATCH them!!!! I'm so mad/annoyed with myself. this is the 3rd soap fail that I've done (the other two were swirl fails, and now lye streaks). I'm not impressed with myself at the moment. argh!

so, here are the cut pics.

looking great newbie and neeners!

i think this technique has so much potential. i want to have a play with creating different swirls next time. i love the surprise it gives me wheni cut the soap.
Oh man. You guys know how to push down straight! Seven, the top bar looks particularly great. Looks like a bird of prey with spread wings with a kind of totem effect. That is a great bar. Sorry about your lye streaks, Neeners. Yours turned out pretty well too! Nice centering and nice straight down swirl. I think we're all doing fairly well for first timers. And I agree about the potential. Just seeing that Hawk at the top of seven's bar has me thinking.
How nice of you newbie!! Unfortunately for my soap, I had to its now an orangey blob. Lol. It hurt me when I was grating it... Guess I'll have to try it again!
neeners - What a bummer that you had to rebatch because of the lye streaks! I really liked how it turned out and wanted you to know that your color combo has inspired me to try the black background I mentioned earlier.

My brother gifted me several gallons of dark but undrinkable beer so I've been wanting to make a swirled black & tan soap. This could be the perfect opportunity to practice a new technique but simplify by only using 2 colors. Thanks for sharing how awesome the design can look without using a rainbow of colors.
lstephy85 - Don't consider it a total fail . . . you ended up with some cool looking soap even if it wasn't what you intended! Mine probably would look similar if I hadn't seen neener's pic first. I tend to get excited about new techniques, recipes, etc and combine too many new variables all at once which makes it difficult to troubleshoot.
Hahahaha! Lord above. I tried to pour green through to make it look like a stem but them realized it probably didn't got through, so I put the swirler through (crookedly apparently) The background is supposed to be a beautiful delicate purple but it just looks kind of purple gray. Not bad for a first go but it definitely needs work.

I think it turned out great! Love your color choices!

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