Mixing Media - Do people mix cp with mp and hp?

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Aug 15, 2010
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If so any websites, books, techniques, recipes, or recommendations?
IE layerings, or swirls, which are the best pairs. Do they bleed into one another? Can you use one on top of the other? Thanks.. in advance..
Yes you can. I've done CP with MP. The MP was swirled into CP at thin trace.

Here it is cut.
That's very nice. Does it wear evenly when you use it? I've always wondered about that.

Here is one I recently did with CP and M&P curls. The dark one is the MP. The color is bleeding, but that's because I forgot to watch what I was doing and used a pigment that will bleed in MP. But, if I ever did a bar with neon colored MP curls, it might be a cool effect to do that and just let it bleed for a neon "glow". I haven't used it yet, so I can't comment on the wear. I've read when embedding MP objects into CP it's best to spray it with rubbing alcohol right before you pour the CP so it sticks better.

Though, when working with the curls or other items that need to retain their shape, it's probably best to avoid the gel phase. This soap got a partial gel, and the MP was comming out a itttle bit on top, through pinprick holes in the 'skin' of the mp. If it got much hotter I don't know if the pressure of the CP would've ended up squeezing more out or not...

Also, see this post for some really cool combo soaps...

http://www.soapmakingforum.com/forum/vi ... c71380424a
soapbuddy said:
NancyRogers said:
That's very nice. Does it wear evenly when you use it? I've always wondered about that.
It wears fine till I get to a sliver. Then sometimes the MP falls out.

Cool! I'll have to give it a try.
you cats are awesome

what loveliness, I think the attraction has to be the color and form become completely highlighted... i need to give myself a simple easy project, does anyone know about books or dvd's or video's that are all about beautiful creative techniques.. i need my hand held! I will try the MP into the cp at trace. soapbuddy, I really appreciate those drop dead pictures!