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Mar 5, 2015
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Let me tell you a little bit more about me^^

My husband, me and our 3 (grown up) minions live in that little coffeestain on your map that's called belgium.
There's also our 3 cats, Muffin, Loki and last but not least Nugget, there's also a black cat that decided to live in our garden, we started calling him fatty.
H's pretty brave because that garden is gaurded by a great dane called Nikita, she looks dangerous, but is actually a lapdog the size of a pony....to be honest, she spends more time just being in the way inside the house than gaurding the garden.

About 4 yrs ago, my youngest daughter and I developped a shampoo allergy together, strangely enough, it only stopped temporarily with the no shampoo, shampoo we got from the apothecary, we tried the no poo method, it just wasn't us, my hair was just clumps for over 4 months ... i can say i gave it a fair shot lol

then our oldest brought a shampoo bar from lush... that's where it started, handmade caught my attention, so i wanted to know how.
Since i've been looking at soapmaking videos, shampoo's and other things, I've finally decided to dive in!

my second batch of soap is curing on the cabinets and i've already developped what seems to be a soapsniffing addiction...

It's going to be nice to have some people to talk to and learn from, can't wait to get to know you guys:smile:
Welcome! Be forewarned that kitties love to try to sleep on top of your molded soap. The warmth the process gives off attracts them, so to protect your soap try to cover it in something that can withstand their weight - like a wood board. Many loaves have ended up very dented and indented from a cat looking for a good napping spot!
Welcome! Be forewarned that kitties love to try to sleep on top of your molded soap. The warmth the process gives off attracts them, so to protect your soap try to cover it in something that can withstand their weight - like a wood board. Many loaves have ended up very dented and indented from a cat looking for a good napping spot!

I have never had a cat sit on top of my warm soap, but I have had them lick it! And I've had dogs eat whole bars.

My Dad visited Belgium on a business trip and liked it very much. I would love to visit.
Thanks for the warm welcome :-D

Be forewarned that kitties love to try to sleep on top of your molded soap.
I already figured that out Dory, there's cute kittie paws on my first soap:-D

I have never had a cat sit on top of my warm soap, but I have had them lick it! And I've had dogs eat whole bars.

My Dad visited Belgium on a business trip and liked it very much. I would love to visit.

I've never even tought about the dog, she would definitly try how one tastes if she could reach it, allready put the one curing higher up lol
and if you're ever feeling adventurous, i've got a big garden, it does fit a tent or 8 :) We've had a visitor from Sweden last year, so you would be welcome too Dixiedragon xD

But no fair calling Belgium a "coffee stain"....we have you to thank for waffles, chocolate, and French fries with mayo!

and then there's the beer to rinse it all Lenarenee :-D