Has anyone used vanilla pods??

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2009
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I bought some vanilla pods to use as a natural fragrance but I'm not sure if I can use it in soap - I'm not sure what to do with it!! :? :)

I was thinking I could just use it in my lip balms but again I'm not sure how to go about using it!

Anyone got any ideas or experiences :?:

Most of the fragrance is in the seeds. You would waste that in soap as the smell does not survive the lye.

The seeds would be too scratchy in lip balm.

My advice...........make some delicious custard.
emilaid said:
mmmmmmmmm.........custard :!: :!: :!:
:lol: Sounds like a good idea to me ( and the kids!!)

That would go really well with a nice steamed or baked pudding. Can you guess that it is freezing here and I have the Winter munchies ?
You could infuse the oils/butters with the vanilla pods, then use that oil/butter in your lip balm. Or a soap re-batch but I'm not sure the scent would be strong enough. I'd stick with balms or lotions.

Dear Emilaid,
There is a lignin based product called Vanillin Supreme and is used in soap,creams and lip balms at a rate of up to 1%. I don't know where you would source it in another country, but it sells for $11AU per 100gms, but there are so many easy to used flavoured oils for lip balms that smell gorgeous, and a great many beautiful FOs out there. There is also vanilla extract which is a viscous natural vanilla. I am not sure how this would handle in soap, maybe put in after trace?