Greatings from Germany

Soapmaking Forum

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Feb 6, 2019
Reaction score
Hello everyone!

First, please forgive me and my english! I try my best!

My name is Silviana, i live in germany, near cologne. I started making bathbombs in November 2018. For the first time i read a lot and watched almost every (professional not these diy-Stuff) video on YT about making bathbombs and bubblebars. I did a lot research on this topic and spend a lot of time doing experiments with indrigients, because i do not want to use some special things and others i prefer. I finaly found a good working recipie. In the last few weaks i started to take some videos of the produkts and experiments i make. Maybe i want to sell bathbombs saomeday but we will see. I read a lot in this forum and now by all my testing an reading i feel "grown up" enough to maybe help someone here...and of course i will have a lot of questions myselfe.

hope to see you in the threads!