Brand New from the North

Soapmaking Forum

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2020
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Holla everyone,

Canadian soaping newbie here (I've dabbled in a total of exactly 2 batches to date), but despite my lack of exposure I'm already officially obsessed! I legitimately spent pretty much all of my free time throughout the Christmas break reading anything and everything soap-related that I could get my hands on. That said, I've got a 2-year old at home so free time is somewhat limited. :)

This forum is an amazing source of information and one day I hope to be able to contribute to the wealth of knowledge here rather than just benefit from it.

Holla everyone,

Canadian soaping newbie here (I've dabbled in a total of exactly 2 batches to date), but despite my lack of exposure I'm already officially obsessed! I legitimately spent pretty much all of my free time throughout the Christmas break reading anything and everything soap-related that I could get my hands on. That said, I've got a 2-year old at home so free time is somewhat limited. :)

This forum is an amazing source of information and one day I hope to be able to contribute to the wealth of knowledge here rather than just benefit from it.

Yes, yes, 5 batches and hooked! Wondering if they have a Soapers Anonymous? I think I have a problem! Over 2 dozen bars curing and I can't help but want to make more!!!! OMG!!! Aw heck... I sure can think of worse addictions!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I am new as well. Maybe 14 batches to date...
Also a fellow from the great white north.
Totally addicted, so much That I am considering the soaping retreat in Greece with “Soap the world” ...crazy right!
I am now experimenting with countertop fluid hot process, and loving it so far.
Thank you for the warm welcome!

Wondering if they have a Soapers Anonymous? I think I have a problem!

HA HA HA! I'll be right there with you! I almost hope it gets a bit boring or half my pay will be spent on oils!

Totally addicted, so much That I am considering the soaping retreat in Greece with “Soap the world” ...crazy right!

I can think of worse reasons to visit Greece - especially if the retreat occurs... oh, anytime between October and June. ;)
Holla everyone,

Canadian soaping newbie here (I've dabbled in a total of exactly 2 batches to date), but despite my lack of exposure I'm already officially obsessed! I legitimately spent pretty much all of my free time throughout the Christmas break reading anything and everything soap-related that I could get my hands on. That said, I've got a 2-year old at home so free time is somewhat limited. :)

This forum is an amazing source of information and one day I hope to be able to contribute to the wealth of knowledge here rather than just benefit from it.


Sorry hit wrong button. Trying to reply to new diaper and warn her how addictive soapin can be. Started in 2004 and am Jones’n to start more though season is over. Got plenty left on shelves and here in lies my conundrum
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Oh wow! There you are, StormyK. I just joined a month or so ago and love the banter & info I’ve gotten from SMForum.
One major pile of advise for you; safety goggles!
After 3 different types I found Amazons UVEX to allow full view and comfortable, good price.

I am new as well. Maybe 14 batches to date...
Also a fellow from the great white north.
Totally addicted, so much That I am considering the soaping retreat in Greece with “Soap the world” ...crazy right!
I am now experimenting with countertop fluid hot process, and loving it so far.
Ooooh yes! Greece! I will go!!!! LOL!!! And definitely during our 6 months of winter! You get a little more winter than we do in Minnesnowta!!!

Thank you for the warm welcome!

HA HA HA! I'll be right there with you! I almost hope it gets a bit boring or half my pay will be spent on oils!

I can think of worse reasons to visit Greece - especially if the retreat occurs... oh, anytime between October and June. ;)
Oh yeah... I have more oils than Carter has liver pills!!! Going to the grocery store is dangerous now. And holy CATS!!!! Costco is like oil heaven!!!! Big ol' bottle of Avocado oil, 2 huge jugs of olive oil!!! Should have bought the industrial sized coconut oil... Sigh... Costco does not sell shortening or lard though. Maybe a good thing?

FYI if you have Aldi's in Canada... much cheaper priced grapeseed oil!!!!
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