advice on framing towels

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Apr 5, 2018
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Hey Soaping Friends, it's been awhile -- Minneapolis has been crazy. I need advice on a project. I have six dishtowels embroidered by my grandmother with the pattern in the attached photo. I also have a window frame from my grandparents' farm. It's just a simple wood frame with 6 glass panes. I'd like to put one towel in each pane. This is beyond my wife's and my craftiness. I'm hoping someone craftier out there would have some ideas on attaching the towels to the frame? Thanks. s-l1600.jpg
Maybe stretch them over stretcher bars then set them in the window frames, or have them matted and framed them put them inside the window frames. A framer could do this for you but it will be expensive. You can find many YouTube tutorials on framing needlework. Those are lovely work and I personally would take them to a framer experienced in framing needlework. If you have a needlework shop where you live they might be able to help. Although sadly, such shops are hard to find these days. If you are anywhere near an Amish Community I bet someone could frame them.
I'm just hear to say that I love your idea and how you are preserving some of your family's history. Hope you find a great solution.
G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!! Please pass along my admiration to Mrs. Zing and her sister on doing such a beautiful job in honoring your grandma's work and grandparent's farm life. Wowza.

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