Soapin Saturday!!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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Hello All,

I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend. I just finished a 4lb batch of vanilla soap, finished in 3" pvc molds. I had a little left over after molding that I decided to CPOP in a set of individual molds I have. This will be my holiday soap if all turns out well. Pictures to follow. Take care!!!

Hello Tank,
we made 6 1/4 lbs cocoa batch friday night, hope to cut tomorrow afternoon and make more. WHOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!
I think we all love to see pics on here, so can't wait to see your adventures.
WOW.....that is all I can say. The soap is doing wonderful; already set in the molds, and probably ready to cut later tonight. The bars I CPOP'd cooled this morning, and passed the zap test with flying colors. I could not resist the urge, so I had to take a bar for a test drive. I thought I had used luxury bars before in my life. Boy oh boy was I ever wrong, this soap is by far and away the greatest thing my skin has ever felt....if I thought I was hooked before, I am a full fledged addict now. The vanilla scent is very warm, but not overpowering. Enjoy your Sunday folks, and happy soaping!!!
