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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
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I'm not a fan of big (or perhaps more accurately stated, centralized)Government ... but this is preposterous: TestOShave.

(for those who don't want to look at the Amazon page, it is shave soap designed for men to boost testosterone)

I'm not overly upset about the false claim - although it's fairly irritating.

I find it more a commentary on the state of affairs in the marketplace. There are so many "artisinal" soap makers now that newbies need to find a new angle to differentiate their product from the rest. Also, seems like a lot of folks think they can "jump in" to make a quick buck.

The response by the "Dr" to one comment ends with something straight out of the Snake Oil Salesman handbook. "It is not only what it does contain but what it does not that counts! No phalates or other hormone disrupting agents or chemicals -Natural Testosterone Booster Ingredients Pine Pollen Extract Tribulus Terrestris Extract- Guaranteed to give you the results you want or your money back! "

ETA, and of course the reviews are full of titbits like " It's all natural so you don't have to worry about bad chemical reactions"
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A quick read of the ingredients list shows it's a crappy shave soap recipe -- basically a bath soap with added clay. Not what the shaver dudes lurking around here would like, anyways. The one-star and two-star reviews say it all in regards to the actual worth of this soap for shaving. The 4 and 5 star reviews are mostly solicited.

The hype about boosting testosterone is so blatant, it's borderline ludicrous. The "Dr Bryan Schuetz" who is selling this stuff happens to be a chiropractor in Ohio. A quick google search pulled up quite a few results for this gentleman .... including this shining gem: Oh, and here's his office website showing his dream to be the next "Dr Oz" --

The good doctor is pretty clearly more of a quack than a serious soap maker.

A tellingly amusing tidbit -- In my Amazon feed for this soap, the first item in the "Customers who bought this item also bought" section is this: "Nasal Aspirator- Best, reusable & bpa free for baby girl & boy..."

So much for the buyers' worries about their ability to father children! :shifty:
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Well just being me, I had to go ask a question....

"How does this product boost testosterone levels since it is a wash off product?"

He hasn't answered another question thats been waiting since June 2015..lets see if he answers mine :lol:

*snort* :lol:

He actually did..along with 3 other peeps...

He didn't address my question tho, altho the second poster attempted to.