YAY!!! 1st batch under my belt!! take a look!!

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Freemason, Maker, Father, Mover & Shaker
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
DeLand, FL
Alright I did my first batch tonight, finished it about a half hour ago and I am very excited and pleased by the results.... heres what I used/did

My numbers:

olive oil 75%

coconut (75 degree) 25%

1oz bees wax

15-20 drops lemon EO and some fresh lemon rinds chopped very fine (IMO best source for EO if you use citrus...I know this from cooking alot )

I did a 2lb batch and used

344g H20

127g sodium hydroxide

680g olive oil (extra virgin)

226g coconut oil

the numbers look like this:

hard: 31
cle: 17
con: 65
bub: 17
cr: 14
io: 64
INS: 146


heated olive, coconut and beeswax to 130ish, set aside on stove to let it keep warm....mixed lye into h20 with stainless steel spoon and let that cool to 120ish, then combined the lye slowly into the oil mixture and got my SB to it...SB'd it for about 5-7 minutes (lost track of time may have been more or less...was concentrating on the process and the characteristics as opposed to timing)...once trace was reached it started to come together pretty fast, I added some fresh lemon rinds (peeled like a minute before putting into the soap solution) as well as about 20 drops of Lemon EO... SB another 5 seconds and then poured into my mold and smoothed it out with a rubber spatula (I had coated the mold in parchment paper). I used apple cider vinegar to neutralize everything the lye could possibly have touched when cleaning up. allowed the soap to harden a bit before i placed a piece of parchment paper on top with a piece of cardboard and some weights on top of that.

what do you think!?!?!?! how did i do?!?!

whats the least possible time that i can wait before i test it out!!
im so excited might have to do the zap test when it cools and test it!.... smells nice and has a nice yellowish color with specks of orangish yellow from the lemon rind!

lets see if i can get some pics up...theyre kind of fuzzy but its all good ill get some clearer ones when i cut it!




Hello my name is Ian T and Im a soapaholic.....

admitting it is the first step :)

yes Im addicted I cant wait to try it out... I already did a zap test and stuck my finger in the goo (my vinegar was right next to me as well just in case).... its definately goo still (only been settling for an hour or so now...) but it smells like lemon!!!! ahhhh!!! im so excited!!!
WOW that looks nice, wanna resize those pics for me?? :) it took me like 5 solid mins for me to load your post :shock: Just kidding!

Good job on the soap, I can't wait to make my first batch of CP
haha yeahh my bad on the size ....i think i forgot to click the resize pics option on the image shack thing! how would i resize them now??? i dont want to make you want to bite your computer for the load time or anything as I often do...mine is so ancient!!

thank you so much for the compliments!!! i cant wait to see what it looks like today! havent had a chance yet, just woke up (yeah i was up studying soap stuff til 4 ir 5am again....)

Im so excited!!
Alright here are some pictures of the finished product... turned out nice IMO comments after 18hrs--->18hrs: slightly greasy feel but nice creamy lather once a little water is added, I might want to try something to give it some more moisture next batch but until it matures there is no telling what the soap may feel like.

any input on it would be appreciated!









Hey.. That looks like soap suds!!!!!!!

You did good. great pictures too.
Now you know you can make soap.. The fun now begins.
I know! im so excited! cant wait to see what the future may hold for me with this newfound craft/hobby and later on (hopefully ) potential business opportunity!
thank you!!! just took a shower with it and it feels nice!! (may be a bit early but hey i couldnt wait...I definately am going to add much more lemon zest next time as I only zested 3 lemons...and more EO as well... im just so happy and Im definately hooked now! cant wait to make another batch and use different oils...got to wait for the next paycheck to get some more ingredients and then im going to try a bunch of different recipes!

thanks for the feedback!!


You are now officially hooked.. once you shower with your own soap
there is no turning back. I'm really glad your first soap came out well.
They look great. Keep in mind castille or soaps made with a high percentage of olive oil only get better as they cure. So check your darlings out in about a month and marvel at the improvement.
I cant wait to see the diff... I have a file im keeping on my cpu, 1st batch...2nd batch etc... and then the properties of each at 18hrs, 1wk, 2wks, 1 month, etc.... to see how it changes...

what types of changes should i expect as the soap cures??

just curious!

thanks for the feedback! Im still so extatic!

I can tell the soap is curing nicely, the water has started to evaporate out of them and they are getting to be quite hard bars!
I may make another batch today to see what happens!

still soooo excited...hope my water bill doesnt go up too much because ive seriously showered like 20 times in the past 2 days! lol...i cant get over the feeling of showering with a soap i made myself...its the best !
Very true indeed. I have only been making soap a short while but every week I make more and more and more..... I can't stop! The experimenting with scents and colors...i can't get enough of it.


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