What's In Your Soap Pot This Week-End? (31st Oct - 1st Nov)

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I'm attempting my 2nd batch of castile... first one just would NOT trace after over 4 hours of stirring so I moulded it anyway and it's now like a big bunch of jelly/jello. The 2nd seems to be going the same way, oh well I'm not letting it get me down, I shall overcome this problem and go on making beautiful soaps. :D
I have made Cherry blossom soap in regular size and sample size, shampoo bars, and patchouli soap. I also need to finish off some beer body wash and tea tree shampoo started a week or two ago. I will also make some pale ale bars and I need to make lotion as well.

I made a batch of apple cider last night with new soap "molds" (3" & 2" pvc cut to 12" lengths. My Marine :D :D made me a new soap cutter (showed him a pic of one from another forum and he made it in less than an hour, plungers were his idea) yesterday and plungers to help get the soap out of the molds - worked beautifully. Apple cider smells wonderful! Today its either ginger peach or summer fruit salad, haven't decided which. I have a 2 big Christmas craft fairs coming up and am getting ready to launch my website so I'm trying to get some stock made.
Nuffin' I had company that just left half an hour ago. Manners obliged me to partake of their presence rather than sequester myself in my soaping room (as I'd much prefer ;)).
not soap!

well, not real soap - I'm working on my solid shampoos
and doing some candle work too. I don't like doing candles.
Didn't get to soap :cry: DH is down with his back and have been playing mama all weekend. Poor little fella! Gotta lov em tho.
My soapin' plans didn't come through either. My dh has been super busy today so someone has to watch over the 3 little ones! He was a sweetie and one of his projects was a new 2 lb mold for me. :)

Sooo....I couldn't make soap because he was making a mold so I could make soap. Huh? :)