What type of Camera?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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What camera do you all use?

Do you use point and shoot...preset settings or manual settings.

Anyone use higher end DSLRs.

I like lots of the photos and got to wondering. I remember someone posting a good link to an article about how to construct a lightbox.

I guess the more time consuming photos are the ones intended to go up on Sales websites.
I use my iPhone most of the time. Some photos I set up and other I just point and shoot. I use natural light ... no flash.
I have a Canon Rebel I love to take pictures and got it for christmas last year from my hubby before I used my iphone.
Canon EOS rebel DS6041. Love it. I must had bought 4 point and shoot cameras and they are broke/froze within months. I got fed up and got this current camera off eBay,with 2 lenses and perks, for under $300 because the person was updating their equipment. Completely worth it.
I have the Canon Rebel 350. An old model now, but an absolute workhorse. I rarely use my little old Kodak P&S, although that can take an awesome pic when you tweak the settings and don't just leave it on the default. Most P&S cameras have a major tendency to overexpose (pictures end up washed out looking, with the bright areas "blown out" so that no detail can be seen).
just a regular Nikon coolpix which I do love. I think it's 2 years old now. It helps me know when things are going to be blurry or too bright and helps focus. I haven't used a high end camera before so this works for me, a camera newb!