Unlined wooden mold?

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Dec 22, 2010
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Northwest Florida
Went to Lowes and bought a length of 1x4 and some hardware to make a couple of small molds and wondered if there was a way to avoid lining it with freezer paper. If the mold is finished with polyurethane or shellac or spar varnish and allowed to cure really well, would it still be necessary to line it? Just thinking... :?: Probably not or someone would have come up with it by now.
I've never tried anything like that. I know some people have coated theirs with silicone.
I tried that, or something similar, a few years ago. It didn't work. To the best of my recollection it had something to do with the heat generated by the gelling soap. It didn't play nice with the sealant. Sorta like putting a painted board in an oven. Soap can reach fairly high temps in full gel.

Maybe if you were to use something that was heat resistant? Soap can reach temps of around 200 degrees fahrenheit.
I would line your mold.

I recently unmolded a loaf that hadn't fully gelled. I put it on an old cutting board to harden. This was 24-36 hours later, mind you. The soap completely removed the finish and the stain. And I had to trim the soap because it had absorbed color and goodness knows what else. I'd worry about what freshly poured soap would do, especially if/when it goes into gel.
you cam make your own molds with silicone and line the wood inside. it is a lot of work and the silicone is expensive..hence i still havent done it:) hehe

i made a cardboard box that fit inside the mold and i just fold the paper around it...lines pretty quick that way for a few molds. i generally line them all and have them waiting for the next bathc ...but i will be upgrading to all silicone soon:)

I've seen several people mention what a PITA it is to line their wooden molds...I guess I'm the exception, since I find it very soothing and relaxing. I usually soap every other weekend, and on my "off" weekend, I drag all my molds into the den and line them while sitting on the floor chatting with my husband while we watch TV. I use a tape measure to reduce waste of my freezer paper and to get the perfect dimensions, then I work to make perfect crisp creases, and perfectly square corners...it's quite zen-like in its precision and simplicity.
But of course, I only make soap for us and for fun...if I were under the gun to actually produce a product to sell, I can see where you wouldn't have time to enjoy this!
cerelife -

That's a good idea to line your molds ahead of time. Thanks for the tip. (I can't believe I didn't think of doing it. Sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees. :lol: )
cerelife said:
I've seen several people mention what a PITA it is to line their wooden molds...I guess I'm the exception, since I find it very soothing and relaxing. I usually soap every other weekend, and on my "off" weekend, I drag all my molds into the den and line them while sitting on the floor chatting with my husband while we watch TV. I use a tape measure to reduce waste of my freezer paper and to get the perfect dimensions, then I work to make perfect crisp creases, and perfectly square corners...it's quite zen-like in its precision and simplicity.

i'm with you here. i have silicone molds from wsp but find i much prefer my wood mold (thanks steve, i love the one i have from you!) and it is indeed a zen-like process, esp if i make a bunch for future use.
I only have silicone these days - but I did enjoy lining molds (I really like the precision and sharp crease thing too).

I kinda miss my old molds.

The thing that made it easy and quick, though, was that I made a template the exact size of the bottom of the mold so I could use that as a guide. I folded up around it, slipped it into the mold, unfolded and voila - the mold was lined.
LOL! I just finished lining my molds while the DH watched the Superbowl! We had fun watching the commercials...best part of the SB if one of our teams aren't playing, IMHO!! My husband makes all my log molds, BTW...

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