Thrift shop find

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
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Hi all well I found a back up crockpot for hp for 6 bucks happy dance. Now to make a batch and scent it pine for stepdad. Now if I could just find a stick blender ...
Congrats, I love the thrift stores~ I am hunting for some of the old tupperware stuff.
i Used to have time to thrift shop and i miss it. My friend that Isoap with all day thurs. came over with her 5 dollar Braun Stick blender. It worked great.
i got a stick blender for $3.00 the other day. it works better than the new one i bought a couple weeks ago too.
Oh my lord, I LOVE thrift stores!! Last time I went, I found two silicone loaf pans, a teddy bear mold that makes a 6 ounce bar of soap, and some smaller ice cube tray molds for embellishments!! All of that cost me around $6!
Thrift Stores Rock!

I am just starting out and hit up the thrift store to get some begginer supplies on the cheap! I lucked out and in an afternoon found 2 working stick blenders for 2.50 each (Goodwill in Portland rocks)! I also found two wooden molds (used to be shelves or boxes of some sort)... I hadn't thought out using a crock pot to melt the oils... but now I will make a trip tomorrow to find a soaping crockpot! Thanks for sharing!
Oh I'm a thrift store junky! I love finding silicone baking molds, crockpots, foot processors...all kinds of stuff. I've never found a stick blender though...but I'd jump on that if I did.