Swirling in loaf molds: tutorials or links?

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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2011
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I'm seeking a good tutorial on how to achieve something sorta kinda like this:

http://beaconcreations7.blogspot.com/20 ... -soap.html

or this:

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5EP9vsCYsFc/T ... od+002.jpg

I can do the pretty tops and peaks, but it's the swirling in the (loaf) mold that has me lusting.

Anyone have tips or even a link to a tutorial they'd recommend? I figure the key is pouring at light trace and then pouring a final layer of heavier traced soap on top ... but what I can't figure out is the "direction" or pattern of the stirring or swirling or whatever it is these brilliant soapers are doing. Love the natural waves and lines, some fine and some thicker.

(Note: I've seen the "hanger" in the mold method but I don't really care for the spider-y pattern it makes...)

i wanna know too! am miserable at the hanger method, can't quite get the 'hang-er' ;) of it even though i've been trying to get as much of a horizontal angle as i can with the dang thing.
WARNING: Some people here forget the fact that they were not born making soap and they needed to ask questions when they needed help. They apparently feel that they are now superior to you and above you because they have been making soap FOREVER. I am new to soap making but am more than happy to try to help you if I can. Good luck!
Wow, B&B, where did that come from? You must have had a bad experience, but overall I would say people on the forum are very ready to help out with tips and tricks.

OP: both of these look like ITP swirls to me (In the pan- sorry if you already knew that but you said you were new to soapmaking), which is good news if the hanger thing isn't for you. I'm not very good at loaf swirls like this- I always seem to combine and pour when the batter is too thin- so I'm not the person with the tips, other than don't combine and pour at too light a trace. There have been some great pictures posted of soaps that remind me of the second soap particularly. Look through the photo gallery and you can ask the person who made soap similar to number 2 some specific questions. From what I can tell, these were definitely poured at light trace at the least to a medium trace. The question is how people combine their soaps in the pan- do they have a pattern, do they stir, etc... THe first soap is really beautiful and I love the color combo. Maybe that was swirled in the mold, but I THINK it was an ITP swirl. Others will jump in, I'm certain. Many people here are really really good at loaf swirls.
I woulda never thought these were ITP swirls! I mean, I wondered but the swirls just look too ... intentionally placed or something. LOL.

I did ITP once but it wasn't a loaf mold (darn!). I followed some directions I saw on a YouTube video. She poured her other color(s) at about 4 spots in a circle around the pot and then did one or two swipes through the whole "circle" with a spatula. It seems to work okay but yeah, if trace is too heavy or if you don't pour just right you get big blobs of color.

But again, I didn't do mine in a loaf mold and it was only my 2nd batch. Those soaps did look pretty cool though.

Hmm ... you got me thinking on this now!

I always wonder if another method would be pouring a thin, messy layer of color over your "base" layer at thin trace and then sorta spiraling sideways with stick or knife through the mold. Know what I mean?

Someone on another forum a while back said something about making an "o" with the stick or something and my assumption was that you'd have to do it sideways(ish) in order to get that nice swirling in a loaf.

Maybe someday someone will make a super fab training video for us "loafers." Hehe.

I was trying to find a specific picture from the photo gallery, but I can't remember the name from the post. It was someone who did a loaf with a discoloring fragrance (also dragon's blood?) and it remained a deep dark red with the bands of white/natural soap swung throughout the slice. It had more layers than the one you posted but was the same idea. I really hope they show up and comment. But the pattern there is pretty classic, I would say.

I've tried the horizontal swirl, I think that's what you were describing. I have not been successful, but like I said... I'm more of a slab girl.

I want to see what people say about the Love Spell soap. Maybe it was an in the mold pour of a specific nature. I know Lyn makes loaves all the time. I'll be watching the post. Thanks for posting the pic's! I love trying to figure out how something was done. Plus you get to make a lot of soap trying to duplicate it!
Yeah that Love Spell soap was dreamy. Truly.

I did find that tutorial (or one similar) right here on the SMF site:

http://www.smftutorials.com/in-the-pot- ... orial.html

You have to watch all THREE videos to get the idea. It's a very very well done tutorial ... BUT it's not really the effect I'm going for ... or to me at least it doesn't seem to have that nice, natural looking pattern like the purple Love Spell or Dragon's Blood pic. But maybe b/c she used such contrasting colors it doesn't looks as nice to me.

She does some amazing stuff but I like my swirls / patterns to be more marbly/less spotty.

Newbie, that sounds like my Hippy Trippy soap and if thats the one your talking about it was an ITP swirl, I put more colour in than white and only did 1 1/2 circles (stirring) in the pot and then poured.


I'm sure if you ask Lyn on here she would be only too happy to help and give you some tips. Hers is the second link you put up.
Beautiful soaps. I don't know how they were done but I'm interesting in hearing more about it. Lately, my swirls have been a little better but I'd still love to get them all the way through the loaf. I have the best luck with ITP swirls.

Thanks for sharing the links.
Beacon Creations had a Youtube channel. You could probably get some idea of how she does it there. Looks like she has quite a few videos on line and some really beautiful soaps:


I'm pretty sure the second one you posted is made by our very own Lyn. She also has a youtube channel and truly amazing soaps:


The only time I've gotten swirls that looked even close to those is when I was doing an in the mold swirl. Then, I gave some extra swirling just to the top portion to get the tops to look like that. I'm sure I'd never be able to recreate them on purpose though, so I can't really help with the technique. :?
Both ladies make gorgeous soap! They make it look so simple although it's not; they are just very, very talented. :D

It's so generous of them to share with everyone.

Oooh, I know what I'm going to spend my day (and night) watching! Thanks for the links Nancy!!

Someone please tell me I'm not alone in the fact that I actually lie awake at night thinking about how to do this stuff, master planning soaps instead of sleeping? LOL.

that dragons blood soap is on of Lyns. maybe send her a pm and ask her how she did it. :)
Relle, yes, that's exactly the one that came to mind! Thanks for posting the link! And I know many people have made beautiful loaf swirls, so I didn't mean to be dismissive of anyone's soaps- but Relle's soap had the swings all through and popped into my head right away. I will also look at the links people posted. Maybe it's back to the loaf for a little bit for me!
Okay I just watched the YouTube vid by Beacon Creations on how she swirls her soaps ... BEST BEST video I've seen on this so far. It's the one on "Chai Tea" soap.

Thanks again Nancy for pointing me to her channel. Man ... she's GOOD :)

Oh man, I know I'm getting old. I watched her Chai Tea video and my predominant thought was about how great her skin looked. Nice and youthful and it actually fit on her hands and arms.
LOL Kari I saw your links and thought goodie I love checking out swirls and there was my Dragonsblood!!!! I have to say Beaconscreations are just incredible soaps I drool as I watch her videos very talented indeed. I also love the swirl that Relle9 achieved in her dragonsblood as well :0)Now I have one recipe that I use for 98% of my soaps and it is not a slow tracer at all so often my mix is at a medium trace when I pour my swirl. I have no tricks really I pour into the pot at 12 3 6 and 9 and then some in the middle go round the pot once with the spatula and pour. Now I do hold the pot in one place to pour and I also have the long side of the log facing me, not sure if that makes a difference or not. I am so hanging out for late September as I can then upgrade my phone and intend on buying an Iphone. When this happens and you think it would help I will do a tut on swirling just let me know if it is something you think would help you.My camera videos but only is short stints so very much just dont bother Feel free to message me anytime I will help where I can :)
I just watched this video and thought way to much swirling would meld all the colors but it came out gorgeous. I may have to do a slab this weekend.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/beaconcreations#p/a/f/1/wAMur2YbgWo"]http://www.youtube.com/user/beaconcreat ... AMur2YbgWo[/ame]
Wowee, you aren't kidding! I watched it prepped with your comment, Meadow, and had the same reaction, even though I already knew her soap turned out beautifully, but I wasn't prepared for how beautiful! It is gorgeous! I would never have thought you could do so much without it mixing to gray. It looked like she had the batter a bit thicker than I tend to have it when I pour- I have to free up my mold and give something like this a go.

What trace do people tend to pour their ITP's at? As I said earlier, I always manage to do it too early (or way too late). Is it medium trace? Pancake batter or so or thicker? Thanks!