squeaky clean

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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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so, the recipe i have been playing with lately has 36% OO, 20%palm, 20% rice bran oil, 19% coconut, 5% castor. superfatted at either 6 or 7%

the problem is this, when my girl uses the soap.. she says she loves it, but does not like the "squeaky clean" feel that it leaves on her skin. she moisturizes after taking a shower anyway, but i would like to know why that a soap would leave you feeling squeaky clean even with a 6-8% superfat including the milk we use in the recipe. HELP!
With your numbers it's dead in the middle of the suggested cleansing range on SoapCalc. Above average on conditioning, but not by much, though.

Tweaking to 40% OO and 15% CO moves the cleansing down a wee bit and the conditioning up. I know the numbers are not the be-all and end-all, but it might well help her feeling a little more silky and pampered
With your numbers it's dead in the middle of the suggested cleansing range on SoapCalc. Above average on conditioning, but not by much, though.

Tweaking to 40% OO and 15% CO moves the cleansing down a wee bit and the conditioning up. I know the numbers are not the be-all and end-all, but it might well help her feeling a little more silky and pampered

that is what i was considering but it sends the iodine level over the top. GRRRR. maybe i need some sort of luxury oil in here?
If you do away with the rice bran oil and make up the difference with OO, you'll get more conditioning while keeping the iodine under 70. Try increasing the SF to 8 or 10 for your girls soap.
Try it at 10% SF and I bet she will notice the difference. My go to recipe is pretty similar to yours but with higher coconut oil (for my husband's cleansing needs) and I SF at 10% and it does not dry me out, even in winter. And I live in the desert.