Soaping and Pregnancy

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2009
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Do you think that soaping is bad for pregnant woman's and her baby's health?
May be it's enough to use working clothes and a respirator?
Girls, did you stop soaping for a period of pregnancy and nursing?
When I had morning sickness, all the scents made me feel ill... My second trimest was the best for me. During that time I:

Mixed the lye outside, and held my breath.... walked away from the fumes and then got air, then went back to stiring, and I did not soap with an EO's that were not baby safe or safe for pregnant women, so I mostly did FO during my pregnancy.

I'm nursing now, and back to soaping full time... or as often as little Audrey lets me.
I too didn't soap while I was pregnant, but I am nursing and am back to full time soaping. You seem to know your precautions, so it is really just up to you, whether or not it is something that you want to do.

Good Luck! And I hope that you find what it right for you! :wink:
Thank you!! :)
I'm thinking about how to avoid noxious fumes... What if sombody else will mix lye with water? Is it dangerous to measure out lye or mix lye with oils?
How do you think?
I think making cp or hp during pregnancy is too risky for my taste. I began soaping long after my child bearing years but if I count the number of times I accidently inhaled lye, once as a fume and the other as dust rose from a bag of lye flakes, then twice I felt ill from an fo added to hp that was a lil too hot. I'd just be afraid to risk it.
LOL! I just logged onto my computer to ask this question on this forum! How funny! Well, I guess that answers it.
I would not, lye is known to be mutagenic to DNA. Maybe baby will be fine, but I am a nervous nelly and would never gamble when theres known issues.
:lol: so all of the pregnant soapers are gonna produce mutant babies? Maybe they'll smell more like soap when making nappies dirty!

Well, if I was you ladies I'd stay away from canned fruits and vegetables, icecream, olives, chocolate, cocoa, pretzels and yellow noodles too.
:? Pregnant woman seem to crave foods prepared with/containing sodium hydroxide...

Just kidding, it's really what you all feel comfortable with. When you prepare your lye solution in a well ventilated room or outside, wearing protection, the both of you will be fine. There's a bit of danger everywhere, all the time.

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