Hey Lane!!
Not to change the subject, but where do you get your floral water?? I have been wondering whether to go with some REEEEEEEEALLY low priced stuff I saw at I fogot where or the REEEEEEEEEALLY expensive stuff that the organic places sell...... curious to see what the expert uses!!!
And................just to announce to the entire SOAP MAKING UNIVERSE.......................LANE IS A SUPER HERO (female version)
She showed me how to do pic posts, and I actually UNDERSTOOD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Up until that point I had been languishing in the pictorially challenged dungeon, but she rescued me!!!! Can you tell I am happy to be rescued??? Thank you, Lane, and you did it all without having to change into a cape and tights!!!

Those phone booths can get kinda clostraphobic (sp)..........................
thanx oodles,