Soap pix

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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I thought I would share some of my soap pix with you all. I sure appreciate all your help! I can't remember if I posted the first ones on here or not. My memory is horrible these days.

I made a batch of the blended lard soap from Kathy Millers recipe on Sat. Well hubby and I made it. I think it's like an 8 1/2 pound batch. Anyway I just did it plain because I want to remill it and make me some soap that is oozing in oil for this dry itchy skin of mine. I wanted to show you the soap. I cut it in big chunks since I am going to remill it and I love the huge chunks! lol
We have made 4 batches so far and I am ready to do another one. ;) Last Friday we (my sister and I) made coffee soap and a oatmeal vanilla poundcake. It smells wonderful BUT we used f. o. we wasn't suppose to use in soap so I don't know about that one. Both of these were 3 lb. batches.

Blended lard soap in mould


Large bars cut


Oatmeal Rosemary Mint Soap


Oatmeal Rosemary Mint and a plain soap


Oatmeal Vanilla Poundcake

then last the coffee soap

I put the wrong one on for the coffee soap. I thought that was the cut one. Here's the cut one......

ChrissyB said:
They look great!
8 1/2 pounds is a bloody big batch of soap!


I would never be able to lift that. The most I can manage is 2 kg.

Your soaps look quite delicious, RoseMarie. Lovely and creamy.
LOL I wanted to do like a 12 pound batch but didn't know how to do the recipe. I guess I could double it and make a 17 pound batch, lol and run it through the lye calc. to see if that was right but would it tell me if I had too much of one oil or water?
Anyway It's really fun and I have given some of the first bars we made to family and my sister and I were halfing the ones we made so that left us with not very much soap each. DH LOVES the oatmeal rosemary mint!! So I wanted to do the large batch so I can play with remilling the soap in various ways just to learn about that to. I love doing different things and always have a project of some kind going so this is really fun for me. Just don't want to make one of those really large batches and have something go wrong and ruin all my soap! :( None of us does huh? ;)
I shouldn't run out of soap anytime soon! ;)
LOL @ licking my screen. That's funny. I told someone it looked like a cake and man it did smell yummy!
Thank you all! You're so kind!
Hi RoseMarie
Most online lye calcs will resize yr batch for you. MMS has the resizing function at the bottom of the final page & soapcalc is upper left. HTH :)
for soapcalc, at the top in the second "box" from the right you will see a place to enter in "weight of oils" - this is your batch sized based on the oils only.

use that box to enter your desired batch size and then enter your oils as %'s.

alternatively, if you don't know the % or don't want to calculate them, leave that batch size at 1 and in the same area check off your "units of measure" - are you working in grams or ounces - then off to the right below there, enter your oils and the weights of each. after you enter them all (add the oils by highlighting it then clicking the little +) hit calculate and that gives you teh %. then right above the column of $'s, click the button labeled %. THEN you can go back up to that first box and enter your batch size...

make sense? it's simpler than it sounds.


on the MMS one, you enter your recipe and hit "calculate lye" - this does the math and brings you to a new page with lye amounts. scroll down to the very bottom of that page and you will see where you can resize.
Great, great soap. And you are another busy person.

You must feel so excited. Is it getting hard to think of anything else but soap?

I had a friend ask me recently "What do you do with ALL that soap?" I wrote back , "I stay clean, clean, clean." It's as much fun using it, as making it.

Best regards,

LOL Thank you April, yeah it's hard to think of anything else. I can see my daughters eyes glaze over when I talk soap. I think she is sick of hearing it. ;)
And everything I see I think, oh that would make a NEAT mold! I am saving my yogurt containers now. I bought some of the Dannon lights and they are neat little oval shape containers. I can cut it in half and have two bars from each mold. I boiled water to make sure they would hold the soap and it didn't melt them. So I guess they are good to go. I am going to do an extra precaution though when I use them. Going to sit them in a cardboard box lined with freezer paper just in case.

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