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Soap Diva Queen
Supporting Member
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
I thought that I had just a heat rash that was behaving badly - it turns out I have shingles. It's a really good thin I'm not in any markets this weekend because I would have to cancel. The pain meds are such that I don't feel comfortable handling lye so I can't make any fresh soap. These last couple of days have not been good days. :cry: ......and I'm feeling sorry for myself..... :roll: :lol: :roll:

I am so very sorry for you. Both my mom and husband have had shingles and I know that it was really painful for both of them. :(

It did get better with time. Try to stay away from any stressful activities (yeah, like that's possible).

Take care of yourself,

That's awful, Lindy. Do they know what the trigger was? Have you had them before?

I hope you start feeling better soon, keep us posted.
you are the second person i have heard getting them in the past 2 days! i feel sorry for your pain. i hope it is a light case and that you heal quickly
Oh Linda.....I feel for you! Most shingles sufferers are over the worst within 4 weeks thank goodness. Wishing you a speedy recovery darl. Nurture your immune system along with everthing else you do and give yourself the best chance of recovering sooner. *Hugs*

Tanya :)
Oh Lindy, I feel so bad for you. I remember when my mum got shingles she was in a really bad way. I hope you're on the mend pretty soon.
Oh No!!!! Poor Lindy. I hope you heal quickly. I sure feel for you. Let me know if I can help in any way : ) . You know I'm here for ya!!!!
Thanks Jody - fortunately I'm not in a mall this weekend. I cancelled Sechelt next weekend because I want to be here for the Father's Day weekend and took this weekend off to catch up on some product. Well now this week has been doing pretty much nothing besides research because of the pain meds - I do not want to handle lye on them. I'm hoping to get feeling good enough to get a few things done in the next few days.......

I really appreciate the offer!

Sorry to hear you have Shingles Lindy! MY aunt has had them twice and she said they are painful. I hope it clears up soon. Hugs.
OMG Lindy , I feel for you .My hubby has had them twice and I had a friend who got them on her face something awful. I am glad you have good pain relief. It's not a pain one can put up with for to long. I hope you are feeling better real soon.


I sure hope you are feeling better soon. Good thing you have your pain killers to help you! Take care and keep us posted,

Lindy - hope you're feeling better soon. Shingles are very painful and I'm sorry you are feeling sorry for yourself :wink: I can't say as I blame you, I think I would feel sorry for myself, too. :(
oh you poor thing - I had shingles, a mild case when i was young. I don't really remember it though. Just that I was shown pictures by my doctor of how bad it COULD be and that I was lucky.

I hope you get well soon!!
{{{{LINDY}}}} i'm so sorry you have shingles. both my younger brother and my grandmother have had shingles and so i know how very painful it can be.....please feel better very soon......

i'm sorry you can't soap now.....i haven't been able to either, my new kittie needs lots of love and attention and so i've not been able to soap.....but i want to give her all the TLC she needs. soap will have to wait for the time being. give yourself some TLC too!
:lol: :lol: @ Janet - oh yeah definately feeling sorry for myself - I so want and need to get some soap made but I am statring to feel better so hopefully by Sunday I can get back at it.....

Thanks everyone for your good wishes - the cream/ointment the doctor gave me is finally working and it is getting better... she said when they can catch it in the first 72 hours then it can be cleared up quicker than left longer. At that point all they can do is treat symptoms and try to make you feel better. At least I'm not so boggled with meds this afternoon..... :shock: 8) :shock:

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