Shapes - what's your preference?

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I personally prefer a rectangle (love 3.5"x2.5") with beveled edges.
i like rectangle shaped cut with krinkle cutter. I dont do hardly any shapes anymore, doesnt fit in my boxes, i save the fun shapes for lotion bars.
So far I really like the nice round bar I get from using the kids Pringles cans as my mold.
I'm still trying to figure that out. I've got some rounds on the drying wrack right now. I was doing rectangle 3.5 x2.5 which I think is pretty standard, but I think I want a fatter bar to show more of my swirls I've just started doing. But that's mostly for me, I will have to see what my friends and family tell me they like best.
Rectangular smooth sides palm size but not huge. Rounds is a close second.
i like rectange shaped. Mine are cut kind of big 3.5 x 3.25 and they are hefty @ 1 inch thick. I dont mind it, because I can cut it in half and get a lot of use out of the two pieces.
I like rectagular. Mine cure out to be around 3 1/4" x 2 3/8" x 1 1/4".

I don't mind so much whether they are crinkle-cut or smooth, but they definitely must be beveled.

I used to use Milky Way molds when I first started out, but I never liked they way some of the fancier shaped ones felt in my hands when washing with them. I like to twirl my soap in my hands when lathering, you see, and some were shaped in such a way that made it difficult for me to twirl smoothly. The best ones were the rectangular ones. I now use a slab/log mold and make rectangular soaps exclusively.

IrishLass :)
Fancy soaps are pretty, but there is something most appealing about a basic bar of soap. Bevelled edges are beautiful, though I've never used one. Don't know how it would feel turning it over and over--might find I prefer it to the ninety-degree angle....

Basic rectangular is nicest, and round is all right. Roses and such look lovely, but, are not so easy to use.

Too small or too large are hard to use.

I'm using some now which are 2 7/8" x 1 1/2" x 7/8". I wouldn't want them smaller. These are a handy size.
I really like the circular with beveled edges...but really anything that is smooth around the edges are very appealing to me :wink:
I prefer a basic straight-cut rectangle with whipped tops for cp but really like the crinkle cut with hp.
I have been making rectangular bars with textured tops from my whipped soap for years but was getting very bored with doing the same type of logs over and over again.

Yesterday I cut my first 5 logs of round soap. The edges have been bevelled and I am over the moon. I love the way they fit in my hand and am going to find it quite difficult going back to the rectangular shapes.

My next obsession is finding a way to make oval bars with whipped soap.
I like the rectangular too, although 2 inch rounds come close (with beveled edges on both). My rectangles are 2.25x3.5 and fit perfectly in your hand.
i started doing 6.5 cm rounds (sorry, i don't know that in imperial...3"?), then i more recently started doing rectangles 10 x 5 cm (4" x 2"?) which i quite like as well. both fit nicely in the hand.

if i were to have a preference, i might say the rectangle, but the round mould is so much easier to line.

i really would like an oval mould, but i don't know where to get one I like tubular moulds).
whisks said:
i started doing 6.5 cm rounds (sorry, i don't know that in imperial...3"?), then i more recently started doing rectangles 10 x 5 cm (4" x 2"?) which i quite like as well. both fit nicely in the hand.

if i were to have a preference, i might say the rectangle, but the round mould is so much easier to line.

i really would like an oval mould, but i don't know where to get one I like tubular moulds).

I am busy with an experiment courtesy of the Wizard of Aus. I will let you know how it works out, but you might like to have a read here PVC.htm
yes, i saw that already, but i don't have a heat gun, nor do i know where to beg/borrow/steal one.
i would very happily pay someone to do that for me....any takers???
whisks said:
yes, i saw that already, but i don't have a heat gun, nor do i know where to beg/borrow/steal one.
i would very happily pay someone to do that for me....any takers???

OH WOW !!!!!!!!!

I have an oval tubular mold.

Started with round PVC (75mm)

Heated my oven to 110 Centigrade and popped the PVC onto the shelf for about 1/2 (half) an hour.

I could see it starting to "give", took it out with some oven gloves and use a plank of wood to shape and hold it. It is perfect.

Making another one now.

ETA.....the second one moved much faster as the oven was already hot. Only took about 15 minutes, so best you stay close and keep an eye on it. exciting!! did the pvc give off any undesirable fumes? i daresay you've given me another excuse to get some pvc tubes to try out, but only if you think it's safe....

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