Real 'Ocean" scent ?

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[My husband wouldn't let me send your soap back if I tried. It works too well for his oily skin. Between your soap and his salt bars, he no longer feels like "a greasy monkey" at the end of the day.]

If @Lin 19687 wouldn't mind sharing a recipe for oily skin, I'd love to see it. I have a greasy monkey too.
Ooohh! Yes, I have NG's China Rain too. Let me know if you want me to send that too. I will also send the Sea Salt & Driftwood for you. [My husband wouldn't let me send your soap back if I tried. It works too well for his oily skin. Between your soap and his salt bars, he no longer feels like "a greasy monkey" at the end of the day.]
Did you ever go the China Rain & Ocean Wave ? ? I was going to buy from WSP on the sale but the prices are just too darn high.
I haven't... I still have too many bars of Sea Salt & Driftwood to justify making another "oceany" soap. Not sure if I mentioned it but I did also pick up Sea Mist from Candle Science which I think might be closer to SS&D. I'm taking a step back from soapmaking for awhile - not like a HUGE step back, Imma still make soap, just stepping away from the business side of it, so I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to try soaping with it. Maybe when hubby's current salt bars are done curing, I plan to do another batch right away for him so they're properly cured (and he doesn't need to feel like he needs to hoard his current stash) and I'm out of his Ed Hardy dupe which I can only get at WSP and I refuse to pay their prices any more. He likes ocean scents so that would be a good choice for him. Either way - LMK if you want me to send you some FO.
spin from the Salty Mariner thread....

What do you have for a TRUE OCEAN / SEASIDE scent and from where did you get well did it behave?

I have gotten a few that just do NOT smell like a true ocean. slightly but no cigar.

I got Sun & Sand from NG and while it is an ok scent, it doesn't smell like a beach or Dunes or anything :(

I live in Massachusetts, we go to Cape Cod and Gloucester a lot, I know the smell of Ocean, good days and bad.
secretly I like the bad smell days, it is stronger lol

My favorite is Abalone and Sea from WSP.
Crafters Choice™ Abalone & Sea Fragrance Oil 314
Behaves well in CP.
Oooh! @Lin19687 I spotted on BCN yesterday that they have a version of Sea Salt & Driftwood at a mucho Bueno price compared to WSP, but no category 9 info yet.

Hopefully they get their cart/ordering glitch fixed soon and get this updated. I noticed a few of their NEW scents have no info available so maybe that's what is causing the glitch. They disabled the site to update listings. I received an email saying that they had removed about half of my wishlist due to no longer available, so it sounds like they've been doing some updates.
I was thinking of combining China Rain with Eucalyptus EO and see how that turns out. I've had a few requests for a White Barn dupe of Eucalyptus Rain and don't want to buy another FO. hahahaha just kidding, when have I ever NOT wanted to buy an FO?? [Never. The answer is never.] I was just curious if I could mix something "similar but different" to make it more my own brand scent.

And this, folks, is how you steer a thread off topic. Sorry @Lin19687 ! Please don't send me an 8lb box of soap ends in retribution. :D
I took SS&D out to till they give Usage rates on it.

I did too. They have several new ones that I would like to try, but I'll have to wait for the usage rates. I'm really hoping the SS&D is good because it's half the price of WSP.

BTW: I plugged the Eucalyptus Rain soap into the soap to make queue... I think it might be next, lol. It's stuck in my head now that I was reminded of it. Well, I mean after my rimmed soap project.