Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.
I have already cooked 4 CP soap recipes, and I'm trying to find one recipe that I will like, before I start cooking in larger batches. I like it to be conditioning and with full lather.
I have tried in my 3rd recipe to fulfill the above characteristics with a recipe that has 3 major oils:
OO-40%, CO-30%, PO-30%
from soapcalc:
Soap Bar_______Quality Range_______Your Recipe
Hardness__________29 - 54______________46
Cleansing__________12 - 22______________20
Conditioning________44 - 69______________51
Bubbly____________14 - 46______________20
Creamy___________16 - 48______________25
Iodine____________41 - 70______________53
INS____________136 - 165_____________163
and with Lye Concentration: 30%, Superfat: 4%, Oatmeal flour, salt, sugar, silk.
I tried a small bar at 2 weeks time and I feel that it is very close to the characteristics that I wanted, except that there is a very tiny drying feeling left on my skin after washing, among the full and silky lather.
So after reading many useful posts here and along with such articles, I'm thinking of the next recipe that will erase this tiny issue of drying, by replacing part of CO and little of PO with PKO and a small part of OO with Castor:
Olive oil: 35%
Palm oil: 25%
Coconut oil: 20%
Palm kernel oil: 15%
Castor oil: 5%
and its properties via soapcalc:
Soap Bar_______Quality Range_______Your Recipe
Hardness____________29 - 54______________45
Cleansing____________12 - 22______________23
Conditioning__________44 - 69______________51
Bubbly______________14 - 46______________28
Creamy_____________16 - 48______________27
Iodine______________41 - 70______________52
INS______________136 - 165______________163
I managed to keep the same INS value and adding more bubbles, and as I've read over here PKO has the same properties as CO but without being dry.
So If I manage to erase my tiny dry issue with this recipe I think it will be my favorite one.
And my question is this: Is this base/favorite oil recipe able to handle all the other different liquids that I' thinking to use? (beer, milk, yogurt, milk kefir, coffee, chocolate, aloe vera, tomato etc.) Or each liquid substitute (part or whole) will influence the properties of the oils mix?
What do you do with your creations? Do you stick with a favorite oil mix and play with the liquids and additives?
Now as it concerns superfat, wouldn't it be logical that when you use different % superfat, the properties of the final soap are affected? [Lather, Conditioning, ect)
I'm thinking that for eg in a castile soap (100% OO), if someone makes one batch with 5% superfat and another with 10%SF, will the second be more moisturizing as there will be more unsaponified oils and with even less lather? I'm thinking all this as sopacalc properties aren't affected when you change the superfat value.
I guess soapcal can calculate the amount of NaOH that is needed in relation to the SF value only... and the properties that are given are maybe when you superfat at 0% ?
I have already cooked 4 CP soap recipes, and I'm trying to find one recipe that I will like, before I start cooking in larger batches. I like it to be conditioning and with full lather.
I have tried in my 3rd recipe to fulfill the above characteristics with a recipe that has 3 major oils:
OO-40%, CO-30%, PO-30%
from soapcalc:
Soap Bar_______Quality Range_______Your Recipe
Hardness__________29 - 54______________46
Cleansing__________12 - 22______________20
Conditioning________44 - 69______________51
Bubbly____________14 - 46______________20
Creamy___________16 - 48______________25
Iodine____________41 - 70______________53
INS____________136 - 165_____________163
and with Lye Concentration: 30%, Superfat: 4%, Oatmeal flour, salt, sugar, silk.
I tried a small bar at 2 weeks time and I feel that it is very close to the characteristics that I wanted, except that there is a very tiny drying feeling left on my skin after washing, among the full and silky lather.
So after reading many useful posts here and along with such articles, I'm thinking of the next recipe that will erase this tiny issue of drying, by replacing part of CO and little of PO with PKO and a small part of OO with Castor:
Olive oil: 35%
Palm oil: 25%
Coconut oil: 20%
Palm kernel oil: 15%
Castor oil: 5%
and its properties via soapcalc:
Soap Bar_______Quality Range_______Your Recipe
Hardness____________29 - 54______________45
Cleansing____________12 - 22______________23
Conditioning__________44 - 69______________51
Bubbly______________14 - 46______________28
Creamy_____________16 - 48______________27
Iodine______________41 - 70______________52
INS______________136 - 165______________163
I managed to keep the same INS value and adding more bubbles, and as I've read over here PKO has the same properties as CO but without being dry.
So If I manage to erase my tiny dry issue with this recipe I think it will be my favorite one.
And my question is this: Is this base/favorite oil recipe able to handle all the other different liquids that I' thinking to use? (beer, milk, yogurt, milk kefir, coffee, chocolate, aloe vera, tomato etc.) Or each liquid substitute (part or whole) will influence the properties of the oils mix?
What do you do with your creations? Do you stick with a favorite oil mix and play with the liquids and additives?
Now as it concerns superfat, wouldn't it be logical that when you use different % superfat, the properties of the final soap are affected? [Lather, Conditioning, ect)
I'm thinking that for eg in a castile soap (100% OO), if someone makes one batch with 5% superfat and another with 10%SF, will the second be more moisturizing as there will be more unsaponified oils and with even less lather? I'm thinking all this as sopacalc properties aren't affected when you change the superfat value.
I guess soapcal can calculate the amount of NaOH that is needed in relation to the SF value only... and the properties that are given are maybe when you superfat at 0% ?
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