Olive oil

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2010
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I'm about to place an order on Soaper's Choice for oils. I'm looking at all the varieties of olive oil.

I've only ever used Extra Virgin Olive Oil that is food grade from the grocery store. (And paying a lot of money for it too. :shock: ) I've got to admit that the Pomace grade of oil is pretty attractive due to the cheaper price. But then you got your middle of the road Olive Oil Refined A Grade.

Would anyone care to weigh in the differences? Besides the obvious? Or is the obvious difference in the price the only reason to choose one over another?

Soaper's Choice price per 7 lb bottle:
Extra Virgin Conventional Food Grade $3.18 per lb.
Pomace Olive Oil: $2.37 per lb.
Olive oil refined Grade A: $2.80 per lb.

Care to share your thoughts or experience?
Thanks in advance! :wink:
Well I am a relative newbie but My first four batches were made with the Pommace I got from Soapers Choice and all the soap turned out fine. The last I got at Sam's club was plain Olive Oil for 12.88 for 101 oz. The soap did equally well.
Pomace is fine, but I don't use it. Mainly, I just don't like the idea of it.
Especially if I'm making a castile that features OO, I don't want to use the dregs, yanno?

also, a castile with OO isn't quite as white as one made with grade A or the Columbus Foods EVOO (some are greener, but I get white soap with theirs - your mileage may vary).

If I'm doing castile I use their EVOO, for regular soaps I use Grade A.
And I always cook with the EVOO (and the coconut oil!).

Oh, plus the pomace from columbus foods seems to speed trace considerably.
for me extra virgin is too expensive. I would go for the grade A or the pomace.
the only difference is that they don't classify pomace as olive oil, it's classified as pomace. it's not pressed from the fruit of olives, it's extracted with a chemical solvent called hexane, which is the same chemical they use to decaffinate coffee. They say it's safe, but I think if you're selling it, EVOO sounds better. For your personal use, it's probably just as good.
Honestly, why spend the money for EVOO for soap? I think the Grade A is great with no discoloration and I like the price (I also purchase from Soaper's Choice). I have used Pomace, as well, with good results. I think it changes the color ever so slightly, though.
I use Grade A. I get mine from Costco, It's $20 for a 5 liter jug which works out about the same for me than Soaper's Choice when I factor in the postage. Tried pomace; it was OK but the chemical processing I could do without and the variety I got was a dark greenish and darkened my soaps. The Costco stuff is great for soaping.
Hey thanks for all the great feedback. It was exactly what I was looking for. :D

Based upon the opinions I'm gonna pass on the pomace then and try the Grade A. Sounds much better for my needs!

Thanks for the help!
I use the Olive Oil from Costco as well. Judymoody, you mentioned using Costco OO and said it was Grade A. Is that because its used in cooking? I couldn’t find Grade A on my bottle. I agree with you about the quality for soaping which is very good, but I’ve always wondered if there was an OO out there that had no greenish tint, because that would be one I could use in making pure white soap with out using lard or to much CO and the like.
Jerry S
Jerry, it doesn't actually say grade A, it says "pure." But it's not pomace, it's not EVOO, and it looks like the grade A I've seen in the grocery store. So it's an educated guess on my part. :roll:
OMG! I've been using only pomace so far and thought it was the dreggs but didn't know it was chemically processed! :shock: I'm going to check out the cost of OO at Costco next shopping trip!

Thanks so much for the info folks.
Thank you for the info judy...sorry to sound stupid but I didn't know what Pomace was either...I looked it up on the internet and after that wondered why anyone would want to put that in there soap... :lol: I still would like to know where I could get OO that is perfectly clear without the green tint...if there is such a thing. It would make managing the color in my soaps that I use OO in a little easier, especially if I was going for the whiter soaps.
Jerry S
I was always more than happy with the quality of the soap made with pomace. Now I mainly use light coloured olive oil as I can't get the pomace in the supermarket. Also happy with that. I now only use EVOO for soap if I have to but I prefer it on my salad. :wink:
I have some "mild and light" olive oil I bought at the supermarket - a friend advised putting it straight into my hair would help with my dry scalp and the mild/ light oo would prevent my blond hair from turning green. I tried it a month or two ago and my hair is still blond - no blonde jokes now though folks okay! :p

I haven't tried it in soap but it is quite a bit lighter than my other oo and might help achieve a lighter soap Jerry...
I might try finding that. The last time I was in Walmart I looked around at all the OO's and they all pretty much looked the same to me and they weren't that much different that the stuff I buy at Costco...Walmart is where I buy my CO..
Jerry S :)
I've only used Grade A (ordered from WSP) and I've never seen a green tint. In fact, I made a Castille soap and it's as white as can be. I'll have to compare prices with Costco, though, because that might be a better deal. Can anyone testify as to the "white factor' of soap made with the Costco oil? Has anyone made castille with it? Thanks! :)
Using OO..

I have Sudsy...
The Castille that I made from the OO that I purchased from Costco came out very nice. Not drop dead white though. Going by what your saying about the OO you get from WSP I may go ahead an order some from them and use only that when I want white white... :) Someone on this thread said that ordering the OO from Costco versus WSP was almost a wash considering the postage. I cringe every time I order oils from suppliers because the postage is so high. I can't remember what I paid for my Costco oil but I think its pretty cheap..20 bucks for 5 and a half quarts...something like that. But.... it still has a slight yellow green tint... :cry: :cry:
Jerry S
Thanks, Jerry. It's a tough call because actually, there's quite a significant price difference (depending on how much you order from WSP). They charge $30 (including shipping) for a gallon. At Costco, your getting a gallon and a quarter for $20. Even if you order a 55 gallon drum from WSP, it still comes to $21.60 per gallon. I guess if white is not your primary concern, then the Costco is good. You can always add some TD. Actually, come to think of it, for a really pure castille bar, it might be kind of pretty to have that natural olive tint to it. Hmmm.... so many choices.